Twenty Six

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"Right from the start you step a foot on my company, I own you, you're mine"

"Jimin? You said you're going to tell me something?" I softly asked as we laid on his bed, well this fluffball, dragged me out of the room I'm staying and I'm not even complaining.

He turned the lamp off and the moon's light gives life in the dark quiet room.

Jimin hummed and kissed my forehead before pulling me closer to his body and the sound of his soft breathe is such a relaxing sound, I like hearing it.

"Yes baby of course" he said, I can hear it, he's a bit hesitant, this is what I'm exactly telling him.

"You don't have to Jimin, I told you don't p—"

"No baby, I'm just nervous, It's been years since I last talk about this" he said and I nod.

"Start whenever you're ready Jiminie, I'll be listening" I said and kissed his cheeks and grabbed his hand to intertwine with mine.

The next few minutes, the sounds of my soft breath fills the room.

"I never really wanted to go back here, in this house" Jimin started "My brother died here, h-he committed suicide" He said trembling. I held him closely.

"I-i was in senior year in highschool when everything happened, I came home with my mom laying on the cold kitchen floor, she was poisoned and my father was kidnapped, everything is a mess, my father is stubborn he didn't want to give everything up and he fucking declared I'm taking over the business, the company and the next day his body was delivered in my penthouse doorstep, he was fucking slaughtered, I was only 18 when I took over everything, I was young, I only think about school, it changes everything, at that age I was introduced to drugs, types of guns, high grade guns, Dirty work everything" Jimin said and my heart clenched hearing everything.

God he didn't deserve any of this.

"I was 7 when I overheard my father talking about drug deals, I was 13 when I know about the illegal business of my family but I tried to act normal until all of this happened, Though I know that my family's business isn't ordinary, I pushed it away and paid attention to school and it all snapped"

"As time goes by, I was blinded by rage, I wanted to haunt those who killed my father, for poisoning my mother, the reason why my brother took his own life" He said and I pulled him closer to me, I hugged him tightly, his shoulders are shaking and I kissed his temple

"It's okay to cry Jimin" I whispered "There's nothing wrong with it" I added and he shake his head

"Is that why you're upset and seems uneasy?" I said and he nodded "we can leave now Jimin, why didn't you tell us earlier? We can leave if you're uncomfortable" I softly said and I run my hand through his hair.

"And Via? She cheated at me, I caught her in this house too, she's fucking my most trusted men, I brought her home because I feel like she's the one" Jimin said and I sighed and hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry for all of these Jiminie but I'm so proud of you for being strong, I'm proud of you baby" I murmured and he took a sharp breathe

"What did you just called me?" He asked and I was surprised with his sudden voice tone and I giggled.

"Jiminie? Aren't you used to it? The boys call you like that?" I said and he shakes his head.

"You called me baby, it feels nice" He said and I giggled and kiss his nose.

He stared at me for the next moments as if he was examining my face and his eyes lingered on my lips longer than I expected.

"Right from the start baby, the first time I laid my eyes at you, I want you, I feel like I need to claim you mine" he whispered as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine.

My chest hammered and Jimin's lips touched mine, he pushed me on the bed and hovered me, His hand gripped my waist as the other one remained intertwined with my hand.

"Do I make you nervous baby?" He asked against my lips and I nodded a bit and he smiled before attaching this lips with mine once again.

"Good because you make me nervous too" he said and I kissed him back. I placed my hand on his chest where his heart is, I smiled as I could feel his heart racing just like mine.

We made out for God knows how long, I just know that his lips are so addicting and I want to kiss it forever.

Jimin grabbed his phone as I laid my head on his chest and his lips kissing my hair

"We should sleep now baby, it's late" He said and showed me his phone. It's 12:27 am, I nodded at him and his soft breaths invaded my ears.

Such a pleasing sound

"Thank you for being here with me baby" He murmured and I blushed, his simple words make me all flustered.

"Thank you for protecting me" I told him softly and he kissed my temple and wrapped me on his arms as he pulled the covers.

My body fits perfectly against his, it feels like it made it to fit to each other.

"Always babygirl" He said and I nodded.

Despite of everything, I can't help it but to feel happy and contented.

"Good night Jimin" I said

He kissed my temple once again

"Good night Y/N"

"Good evening Sir"

"I don't need your greetings, I want to know where is the Big Seven!" I yelled over the phone.

The woman beside me giggled and I smirked at her.

"Strip your clothes for me doll" I told her and she winked at me seductively, I sit on the couch and watched her took her clothes off as I waited for this bastard to speak.

"They're in Park's Mansion in Busan Sir, Minus Master Hoseok, he's with his Fiancee in Gwangju, Jimin's with a woman" He said and my eyes lit up in excitement.

"A woman? It's not Via?" I asked in amused tone.

"No Sir, Zhang told me about this woman before" He said and I nodded

Zhang, that moron, I wonder where the fuck is that moron.

"Any leads about Zhang?" I asked.

I bite my lip as she was completely naked in front of me.

"Get on the bed baby, be there in a minute" I said

"No sir"

"And the woman? Did you do a background check on her? I'm sure Park values her, he brought the woman home" I said smirking as I stood up.

"Clean Sir" he said and I nodded and I turn the phone off and threw my phone on the couch and smirked at my woman.

"Hmm, Jimin got a new doll?" She asked and I nodded gliding my hand through her thighs.

"Not a doll but a woman, Do you wanna play with her?" I asked and she giggled and nodded before I take her lips on mine.

Sure thing baby, we'll play with her.

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