Fifty Three

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Triggering stuffs in this chapter, Mature contents, Please read at your own risk, Don't come at me saying I didn't warn you.

I sit here, Hyunwoo and Soobin was making out on the table in front of me, Everytime I tried to look away he would walk towards me and yank my hair and punch me, My face, my cheeks is numb from all the hits I've received and I could see blood dripping from my cheeks and lips and right now I was holding on to Via's promise and I was just wishing on the sky that Jimin or one of the boys would come and get me.

Tears slipped from my eyes, my throat felt dry and I feel like the tape is sticking on my lips and cheeks, keeping my mouth shut, the ropes digging on my wrist and ankles.

"Daddy, let me blindfold her please? I don't want her to see you fucking me senseless here" Soobin and I scrunched my nose in disgust, Soobin nodded and sucked on her neck as he looked at me with smirk on his face.

Jimin will fucking kill you, He will kill you and I swear he will break every bones you had.

Soobin walked towards me holding a black silk cloth and my vision has been deprived as she places the silk over my eyes and tightly tied it over my head. I could feel the knot and I felt a kiss over my masked lips and I struggle to get away and I heard a chuckle.

"Such a hard to get daddy" Soobin sweetly said and I wanted to vomit, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry out loud but this stupid tape over my mouth keep me from doing these things.

I wish I could go and escape, I wanted to see my grandfather for the last time and I want to kill this bastard with my barehands and make him pay for all the things he did. I sighed and breathed heavily through my nose as I could hear their messy kisses and The sound of Hyunwoo's belt, I want to block out the sound of Soobin's moans, I'm so disgusted of them, so fucking disgusted and how my heart hurts from Hyunwoo's confession.

All these time Jimin believed that his brother committed suicide, Hyunwoo did it, my tears soaked the silk over my eyes as I cried silently as I remember his words.

When Via left, Hyunwoo looked at me with amused expression.

"You know, I have a biggest thing on BDSM stuffs, so seeing you like this, Tied up, completely helpless and mouth shut turned me on" Hyunwoo said as he leaned on the table.

"Soobin likes getting restrained" He said chuckling "You know? Does Jimin told you about his younger brother?" He asked and I looked at him.

He disgust me so much, he's fucking insane, all this time he was fooling Jimin, Working in ParkMin is just his alibi.

"Jihyun sounds pretty when he's choking" He said and my eyes widen and I struggle to yell!

"Fuck you!! Jimin will kill you" I yelled through the tape and he ripped it off making me hiss.

"What? I couldn't clearly catch" he said and I glared at him

"Jimin will fucking kill you! He will fuc-" He shut my lips again and laughed loudly

"Well we will see that doll, but I assure you, I will kill him first, then his friends and lastly you" he said

"It was so funny to watch his younger brother struggle for air, Like what happened to my sister, He loved Jimin! But he never looked at her twice, my sister committed suicide, but oh well I have moved on now and Jimin is going to die and thanks to your grandfather for revealing your identity, I see Jimin valued you more than anything else now, I'm gonna use you against him"

My head throbs and I'm so tired and I could feel myself losing my consciousness.


We reached the location, it was located in Gangnam-gu and the place is secluded, Namjoon hyung confirmed that Choi lee sung owned the property and I saw the police officers wearing civilian clothing outside the main warehouse and confirmed that Y/N is inside as well as Choi Hyunwoo and Chae Soobin.

"Ms. Lee you can call Chae Soobin anytime soon" Officer Yoon said and Via nodded.

Our plan is Via will call the girl and invite her to her place, Since there are police scattered around the area she will be arrested right away then The boys and I will come inside, The police force will wait for our signal before they make a move.

"Please give me 5 minutes" Via said and we nodded as we all waited for her to calm down, her hands are shaking badly and my hands is shaking from anger, I can't wait to get my hands on that bastard, Via told me that Y/N has been hit by Hyunwoo and he will pay for every bruises that I will see on my Baby's face and every hit he gave her, I will make sure he will die or he will rot in Jail.

Via calmed down and grabbed her phone and dialed a number.

She put the speakers on and a girl answered

"Via you called?" It was her I supposed and Via hummed.

"Yeah, I got home and I'm in a restaurant, do you want to come? I'm lonely" Via said and the girl chuckled.

"I can't leave hyunwoo alone, Why don't you just come here again? We will have fun with Y/N" She said and Via's hand trembled and I'm one step away punching the window beside me.

"Yeah sure, I'll go now, would you wait for me outside? I don't have a driver, wait for me it is pretty creepy in that place" Via said, I heard a voice talking, seems like it was hyunwoo and muffled cries on the background and I'm sure as hell that it was Y/N.

"Okay, I'll go outside now, Hyunwoo is napping we just finished" She giggled and I scrunched my nose in disgust

"What about Y/N?" Via asked as she looked at me

"Oh her? Don't worry about her she seems like she was sleeping and she was bound pretty tight in the chair she won't get out of those" She said while chuckling and Via said goodbye and the phone call ended.

One man signalled that someone went out of the warehouse and later on a girl was dragged inside the police mobile and Via confirmed it was Chae Soobin.

"You're a traitor" She hissed on Via

"You're gonna pay for sexually assaulting me"

"You're gonna rot in jail as well Via, stop with the bullshit" She said and Via smiled

"I know and I'm willing to go, I need to pay for what I did to Y/N and to Jimin" Via said and officer yoon signalled that It was time to go inside. I looked at my wrist watch and it is already 12:34 am.

Namjoon hyung and I walked ahead of everyone. I made sure my gun is in my suit and the button is placed in my shirt. I slipped myself inside, the only light is the one in the middle, there was a table and a few chairs, I saw a guy in one of the chair and Y/N is in the other one.

"Tae get behind Y/N, See if she's conscious, Hyungs and Jungkook we'll stood around hyunwoo" I said and we moved, He was alone in the warehouse.

My heart broke as I see blood stains in Y/N's collar bones and dress, her eyes is blindfolded and hands tied behind the chair and ankles.

Before Taehyung could even go and removed the blindfold Hyunwoo stood up and aimed his gun at Taehyung's head and Jungkook moved but Hoseok stopped him.




"Finally all of you showed up"

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