Minho Imagine

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You pant, glaring at Minho's back. You sprint a bit to catch up as he turns around, looking nearly bored and not the least bit exhausted. "Enjoying yourself, Greenie? Having fun? Still want to be a Runner?" He smirks, obviously seeming to enjoy how much you were struggling. You had felt a strange pull to Minho ever since you got here. Obviously, he didn't return the feeling. He seemed to hate you from the moment you stepped foot from the Box. You thought he was better after allowing you to train with him, but it seemed more and more to you that he wanted to ridicule you. Suddenly, you felt a surge of energy. You sprint past him, pushing him to the side and run further into the Maze. You hear him screaming after you but you ignore him. You nearly run face-straight into a Griever. You stifle a scream, scrambling backward. You trip over an uneven part of the Maze floor and lay sprawled on the floor, frozen in shock. The Griever advances on you. You squeeze your eyes shut, stumbling backward on all fours. Your breaths come out ragged and short. You hear the Griever's harsh mechanical breathing. You feel another blast of adrenaline. You spring to your feet and run down the corridor to your left. You slam into something hard, yet soft at the same time. You fall to the floor again, the wind knocked out of you. You squint, looking up. It is Minho. Looking really grumpy and pissed. "Would do have thrown a celebration if I had died?" You ask, your voice dripping with sarcasm. But, inside you really want to know. Minho looks taken aback by your question. "W-wwhat?!" He sputters out, incredulous, as if the entire thought of you asking a question like that was so crazy. "I'm serious," you reply, giving him a patronizing glare. He sighs, burying his head in his hands. "(Y/N), when will you ever learn?" "EXCUSE ME?! I WAS NEARLY KILLED AND YOUR SAYING WHEN I WILL LEARN SOMETHING?! WELL, LEARN THIS YOU SON OF A B-." His mouth crashes down onto yours, cutting you off. You try to speak again but Minho pushes his lips harder against yours with bruising force. "I love you,(Y/N)." "I love you too, Minho"

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