Part 1 of a Thomas Imagine

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Thomas POV
I follow Newt, confused. The alarm blares, seeming to rattle my brain. Waiting. Long seconds pass. Then a clank, they have arrived. I'm actually nervous. What if it's a serial killer? Ha. Stop being stupid. Newt jumps into the Box. An eternity passes. "It's a girl. Scratch that. It's two girls! But it looks like one is dead," he shouts up. A cacophony of voices. Questions hurtling through the air, bouncing around like a tennis ball. The one that appeared to be dead is hauled out. Pale complexion, comatose, tar black hair. Pretty enough. Moments later, the other girl hauls herself out of the Box and stands up. Arms crossed, she looks defiantly at all of us. Her chin lifted high in the air. Seemingly cocky, but somehow I know that she's modest. Something tugs at my memories. Like a pencil, scratching at a blank piece of paper, mapping out something bigger than I thought. (Y/N). It pops into my head. I mouth the name. She shoots me a strange look but turns away. I see her talking with Newt and Alby. She gestures wildly towards the comatose girl on the ground. She's anxious. Frustrated. Everyone seems to lose interest all at once. Chuck tugs at me, he wants to leave. I allow him to drag me away, I really want to talk to the girl.
To be continued...

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