Newt Imagine

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Your POV
I shoved Newt's arm, laughing. "What? It's true! He lovesssss you!" Minho says in a sing-song voice. "That is so not true," you shoot back. "It's true. Everyone knows it! Thomas is in lurve with you! And you love him!" Minho exclaims. I hear something and turn around sharply, I see Newt walking by, sweaty, carrying a heavy-looking box. As e passes us, he nods at Minho quickly, "Hey Minho." He doesn't acknowledge me. That's strange, I think, me and Newt are besties. I turn back to Minho, "What the shuck is lurve? And who said I love him?" "You said so yourself right now! I am the best matchmaker ever!!!! I'm going to go tell Thomas that it's a go!" With that, he skips off. I groan. Then, I remember Newt. Frowning, I follow the path that Newt went down. I was curious as to why Newt was ignoring me. I see the Slammer come into view. Is he there? I creep to the door and peer in. I hear something faintly. I stick my head in a bit further. I see people in the last cell. I tiptoe into the cell right next to it and put my ear softly against the wall. "I'm sorry, Newt. I don't know for sure, but I think she likes Thomas." Minho. Sniffling then, "Are you sure? Did she tell you?" Are they talking about me? I do a mental face-palm. You're the only girl, idiot! But how? I've liked Newt since I stepped foot into the Glade, but I never thought he would like me. I press my ear harder against the wall. "I don't know for sure, Newt. I was talking to her about Thomas and she was getting all flustered and touchy about the subject. I'm sorry." I hear footsteps. I shrink back against the wall, not wanting Minho to see me. I hear a muffled sob. Newt. My heart feels like lead. I wait one minute. Then I get up, I walk to Newt's cell. "Hey, you okay?" you ask, hoping that you sound normal. Newt visibly stiffens and quickly turns his back to you. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. But, I think you should go, (Y/N)," his voice clearly tells me that he is on the verge of breaking down. I gulp, then walk in. I sit on the floor next to him, putting my hand on his back, I ask, "Are you okay?" He shakes his head, then seems to realize what he did, then nods. "You can tell me. I'm here for you," I hope I don't sound too forceful. I put my arm around his shoulder, hugging him. I lean my head in the crook of his neck. He stiffens, then sags like a rag doll. "It's stupid," he murmurs into your hair. "Nothing can be that stupid," I say. "I, I-I like you, (Y/N). A lot. Ever since you came out of that buggin' box. Scratch that. I loved you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I love you so much." He breaks down, sobbing. I feel something wet drip onto my cheek. "Hey, hey, it's okay," I press my lips to his cheek then his lips. "I love you, too," I mumble into his mouth.

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