Minho Imagine

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You walk into the Map Room. Still tired and wheezing from the run. You take out a piece of paper and start to draw. At least you finished early, maybe I can sleep before the sparring match today, you think to yourself. As you finish and place the map into the trunk, you notice that there is a small, folded-up piece of paper on the table. Curious, you walk back to the table. It has your name on it. You look around quickly, checking to see if anyone was in the room. No one. You open it and read it.
Dearest (Y/N),
Hopefully this is you reading this letter and not another shank. Meet me behind the Slammer when the sparring match begins. If anyone sees you, just say that you don't feel good and went to bed. I will be waiting for you, love.
From- Guess wh💖?
You check the watch on your wrist. Three hours to kill. You decide quickly and make a simple agenda in your head.
Step 1: Grab a quick snack from Frypan
Step 2: Go to the Homestead and sleep
Step 3: Wake up in time for the match
Step 4: Go behind the Slammer and see who this anonymous person is
You complete Step 1. Grabbing an apple, you walk to the Homestead. You run into Chuck. You groan inwardly and mentally cross your fingers, hoping that he wouldn't start talking. "Hey (Y/N)! Are you going to the sparring match? I heard it's going to be WICKED! (Haha. See what I did there?) Apparently Gally is fighting Thomas." Goddamn it Chuck. You plaster on a huge, fake grin and say, "Oh my God! That sounds like so much fun! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" He gives you a thumbs-up and walks away to find a new victim to torture...I mean a friend to talk to. You actually like Chuck, but at the moment, you were tired and wanted to sleep.
⚡️Time Flash⚡️A few hours later...⚡️
You sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes. The sparring match! The secret admirer! You spring out of bed and fix up your hair and clothes. Then, you head to the clearing. As soon as the match starts, you slip out. Heading towards the Slammer, you feel nervous butterflies threatening to fly out. As you reach the designated area, you see a person leaning against the wall. Taller than you. Big arms. It could only be Minho...no it isn't him. He hates me, you think bitterly, remembering his reaction when he first saw you. The hard glare. The flinty set of his jaw. His tense muscles. His loathing expression. Oh how you wished it were Minho. "Who is it?" you ask. He leans into the light. You gasp. Minho. It must be a prank. "Uhhhhh....Is this a prank?" you ask quickly. He scoffs but takes a step towards you, quickly closing the distance. "M-Minho? What are y-you doing?" Your voice quivers unexpectedly. He presses himself against you, pulling you into a beat hug. His whispers in your ear, "Oh God (Y/N), I love you so much. I can't go one second without thinking about you. Please, I'm begging you, be my girlfriend. I can't live without you." His voice goes from confessing to panicked. You simply reply by placing your lips onto his, drawing him even closer.

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