Your first kiss Part 2

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Oh God. This will be hard... I used up all my ideas for the Thomas one... Oh well, I tried.


You open your eyes. Darkness. It envelopes you in a smothering embrace. Your head is on someone's shoulder. Warm, comforting. Solid. You hear an intake of breath from the person. "W-wwhere am I? Who are you?" A guy. Definitely a guy. An accent that you can't quite place your finger on. Dead sexy. "I don't know. I just woke up. I'm (Y/N)," you reply. "Newt." He sounds less panicked, calm even. "Can you only remember your name?" you inquire, funding yourself actually curious about him. "Yeah. You?" You nod into his shoulder. The jolting movement stops and you catch your breath. Curious to what awaits you. The doors are thrown open and light floods in. You turn your head towards Newt, squinting. He seems to have moved his head as well. Your faces are so close. Almost touching. Close enough to be sharing a breath. Shivers run up and down your arms. Feeling self-conscious, you sit up and take in your surroundings. About five boys looking down at you. Puzzled. They were silent. Brooding. An awkward stare down. One clears his throat. "Are you shucking kidding me?!" He turns on his heel and sprints away. Two others follow him. Two boys left. Newt stands up. "Where are we? Who are you?" "Welcome to the Glade, ya shanks." The dark-skinned one. He too turns and walks away. The last boy. He seems petrified. Sunken cheeks. Bags under his eyes. A squished, round nose that looks as if it were knocked into by a hammer. Bruises on his face jump out. Scars run along his arms and face. "I'm Gally." That's all he says before turning and running down the same path the others went. "Okay then... That went well." You say, sarcasm dripping from your voice like honey. Newt snickers. "Sure. That totally went according to your plan, Princess." You wrinkle your nose a bit, "Princess?" You throw as much disgust into those two syllables as much as possible. Newt smirks and walks towards you. He wraps his arms around your waist, "My princess," he whispers into your ear. You twist so you are facing him. And plant a butterfly kiss on his cheek. He turns his face and connects his lips to yours. Tingles race down your back and you feel a spark of something. Something new. Something beautiful. Something you crave.

Was this good? It's 11 P.M. I should be sleeping. Oh well!😂 #sorrynotsorry

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