Newt Imagine

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I'm so sorry for not updating! I've had a really bad case of writer's block and so I finally came up with this. Enjoy!
Your arms are so sore, every movement makes you feel as if they were going to fall off. You were working with Newt in the Fields. Nothing else seemed to spark your interest and Alby had wanted his second in-command to keep an eye out for you to make sure the other Gladers didn't attempt anything. The hard thing was, you liked Newt. A lot. It was hard, like liking a top-notch popular boy at your school that only vaguely had an idea on who you were. It was hopeless, but then again,most crushes were. You have been in the Glade for nearly an year now and worked with Newt for that long. He showed no sign of interest towards you. You sighed dropping your head onto the scuffle hoe(yes, this is an actual tool). Newt shot you a look as if contemplating whether or not to come over and talk to you. He shook his head and seemed to make up him mind. He sauntered over to you. He placed his hand on the side of your face, brushing your hair to the side. You froze, your labored breathing seemed too loud. He continued to stroke your hair, the simple gesture made your heart turn cartwheels and shivers run down your shoulder blades in double time (suddenly starts singing Yellow Flicker Bet by Lorde in the background). It was one of the few moments where he voluntarily touches you. He asks,"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" You shake your head, then nod. He looks perplexed then envelopes you into a huge, tight bear hug. You rest your head in the crook of his neck. He suddenly looks down at you and abruptly pulls away. You look up confused, shaking his head, Newt turns away, running towards the Deadheads. You follow him, catching up quickly. He slumps down in the ground, leaning on a trunk of a tree. You sit down next to him, not exactly touching him but not that far away either. He turns to you,"I can't take it anymore!"his voice rips out through the clearing and you look at him, confused. He looks hair-ripping frustrated. He turns to you again,"I love you,(Y/N). I've loved you the moment you stepped foot from the bloody Box. You are perfect." He looks away, sheepish. You put out your hand and cupping his cheek, you turn his face back to face yours. You lean forward and give him a small peck on the lips. He stiffens at first, then pulls you into a deeper kiss. It is sweet and seems to drain any ounce of self-control out of you. You lean into him further and say, "I love you, too. I love you Newt."

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