What others think about your relationship

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Newt- I mean, like, how did Tommy get (Y/N)? He's like so...goofy... I dunno. I guess they're cute together.
Minho- Thomas is one ugly shank. I don't know what (Y/N) sees in him. But as long as they keep the PDA down, I'm okay with them.
Thomas- It's a match made in heaven. Now Newt won't bother me and annoy me to death 'cause of (Y/N). She's nice, and Newt needs to be nicer. It's perfect.
Minho- I guess they're okay, I don't see them like constantly making out and like it's not annoying or anything. I'm fine with them.
Thomas- Minho was way too sassy before (Y/N) came, now he's not as bad. She's a really good influence on him.
Newt- They're cute together. Like Tommy said, Minho's not as sassy anymore, she's funny and easy-going, and Minho needs that.

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