The Maze Runner Imagine

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Okay, like I told you guys, my Wattpad is being all glitchy and stuff and deleting my drafts. I published the Imagine, but the text disappeared and I didn't realize until now. So, I did my best to recreate it, but please don't judge, I can only write things once and then they go downhill from there.
The cool metal grate digs into your back as the metal box hurtled upward. You try to stand up but the momentum throws you back down. Your eyes seem to adjust slightly to the dark. You call out, "Is anyone there?" Your voice echoes slightly. No one. Suddenly, your vision is suddenly marred by a harsh strip of bright light. You are overcome by a strong feeling of trepidation and bolting to your feet, you manage to sprint towards the nearest building. You lean against the wall, concealed by a few boxes. Loud footsteps come and a face appears. You fist strikes out and hits the jaw. The person winces and you see it is a boy. Slightly older than you with blonde hair and dark eyes that seemed to search your soul with one glance. You sink onto your knees. "I'm sorry," you whisper, "I don't know what I was thinking." He looks up, "Sorry? Your sorry?" He shakes his head a bit then adds, "Don't worry 'bout it. I'll be fine. Name's Newt. What's yours?" "(Y/N)," you mumble. "Now come with me, (Y/N), you have to meet Alby." You look up warily, "Who's Alby?" "You'll see if you actually plan on meeting him," Newt replies simply. He puts out his hand and you grab on as he hauls you to your feet. You stumble a bit but he's there and his mouth quirking up into a half-smile, leads you after him. Alby. Tall. Dark-skinned. An aura of self-confidence. Yuck. Seems to be the leader. Double yuck. He resonates power and you find yourself hating him immensely. "Welcome to the Glade. I'm Alby. You are our first girl. Welcome and all that klunk. Now I don't want you to bother me. Do you understand?" You nod, backing away, speed-walking away from him to the trees. You lean and take in the Glade. Huge stone walls mounted up like a prison. Besides it, the buildings look rustic and old-fashioned. Like a community. You look down at a patch of lush green clovers. You spot a four-leaf clover. Which are supposedly told to bring you luck. You pluck it up and hold it between two fingers. "Luck is for suckers," you say more to yourself than anyone, but there it was, out in the open. (Yay! Looking for Alaska quote!!!👀) You fling it away from you. "Ya know, most people would keep a four-leaf clover if they are fortunate enough to find one. You threw it away like a buggin' piece of garbage." Newt. "How can anything bring me luck in this hellhole. I don't think any lucky charm would help," you retort. He is next to you, pulling you to his side. He touches his forehead to yours and whispers, his breaths hitting your lips making you feel tingly, "I'll be your lucky charm."
This was the best I could do. What'd ya think?💕 ILY guys. I tried really hard on this, hope you liked it!

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