Random Imagine

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"Looks like your going to cry, shuck-face. One tear. Just one, maybe I'll go easy on you," Gally taunts, bouncing on the soles of his feet, hands up. I glare at him, and ball my hands up even tighter. He smirks then lunges. His punch narrowly misses my face. I duck and swing my elbow, thrusting at his rib cage. He groans and stumbles backward. He throws a kick, I grab his leg and pull. He stumbles forward. He punches. I see black tinging my vision. He throws another jab, hitting me in the jaw. He readies another punch. I see it coming. I roll and kick at the back of his knees. He stumbles a bit then whirls around to face me. Black spots dance before my eyes. My jaw throbs. I feel something warm trickling from my nose. He rushes at me, locking his hands around my midsection, bringing me down, pinning me to the ground. I thrash and kick to no avail. He reels back for a punch to my face. I turn my head at the last moment and it misses. I bring my head back and slam my forehead against Gally's. He growls in pain and I feel his grip loosen. I bring my knee upward and squirm out of his reach. I kick his stomach in a fit of rage. He doesn't get up. I'm breathing heavily. I turn around and sprint to the Deadheads. I lean against a tree, wiping the blood and sweat from my face. I have a throbbing headache. A few minutes later, I hear, "Wow. That was pretty good for a girl." I don't even bother to look up, not caring who it was. "Don't be sexist. It was a relatively easy match. I feel that Gally wasn't really trying." I hear a scoff, then hear footsteps retreating. I curl up on the ground and close my eyes, welcoming sleep.
I'm sorry for making Gally seem like the bad guy😔 I actually really like Gally, but I wanted to do a sparring match one and I couldn't think of any other Glader that would portray this part as well as Gally.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving guys! I just want to say that I love you guys and am so thankful for you. I can't believe that over this course of time, I got over 20k views. I didn't even think I'd get 50! I just wanted to thank you and tell you that you're special, because you are!💖 Love ya shanks💕

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