He gets jealous Part 3

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>_< Minho
Wiping the sweat off with the back of your hand, you continue to attack the overgrown weeds. It became almost a rhythmic pattern. You chose working in the fields because you could always take your anger out in your work. And also, because your best friend Newt was the Keeper of the Fields. You see flashes of random bits of memory fly before you eyes. You singing along to a song. Reading books. Texting someone. Eating pizza. Just random things. You whacked the weeds over and over again, and for some strange reason, you felt something wet running down your cheeks. You wipe them away with the hem of your shirt quickly, hoping no one saw that. You look around and see Newt staring worriedly at you. Shit. He comes over and gingerly takes the gardening tool away from you, acting as if you were going to start smacking him upside the head with it. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He reaches out with one hand and brushes back a stray lock of hair from your liquid-streaked face. The fatherly gesture makes you want to cry, thinking about your non-existent-but-hopefully-alive-dad. You burst into tears, unable to staunch the geyser-like eruption. He hugs you and rubs his hands down your back as you prop your chin up on his shoulder, biting your lip, hoping to stop your baby-like crying. You stay like that for a while as your crying finally ceases. You sniffle a bit, pulling Newt closer. "Hey, hey, (Y/N), it's all right. It's okay. Can you tell me what happened?" He says into your ear. "Or you can tell your boyfriend what's wrong," you hear from behind you. Newt releases you and you rub your eyes, turning towards your boyfriend, Minho. He's shooting daggers at Newt, and Newt gets the hint and backs away. Minho hugs you, "What's wrong?" "N-nnothing. Nothing's wrong," you stutter out quickly, suddenly embarrassed about the reason you cried so hard for. "If your crying about something, it must be big." You take a big breath, "It's stupid. I just started missing things that I can't even remember. It's stupid, I'm fine." Minho sighs and replies, "(Y/N), it's not stupid. Everyone goes through it. Even I cried myself to sleep for the first week or two. It's perfectly natural." You smile up at him, "Thanks." He looks down at you, not smiling, of course, there's another matter." "Ummmm, okay?" "Are you and Newt like a thing? Cause from my point of view, it looked pretty intense. If I hadn't interrupted, I bet he would have kissed you." You look at him, shocked. "What?! That's so not true! Newt's like a brother to me." He scoffs, "I'll believe you this time, but, next time, some consequences will occur." You look up, half-expecting there to be a humorous glint in his eye. There's none. You gently push his chest, "You're so dense, do you really think I like Newt? I'm pretty sure I made my feelings clear about you and me." He places his forehead on yours, "Of course, babe."
I'm so sorry I haven't updated. If you want to know why, just read the rant in the thing before this one. I'm so so so so sorry.😫 Please don't hate me🙏 Remember, vote/comment/follow!👏 Thanks and ily!💖

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