Thomas Imagine

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I might not be updating for a bit because I'm out of ideas and my schoolwork is piling up. Without further ado, a Thomas imagine!
You blink rapidly. Confused, you scan the area near you. Metal encases you in a box-like place. As your eyes adjust, you see someone else. "Hello?" you call out. You hear a sharp intake of breath and the scuffle of feet. Suddenly, there is a face next to you. You can make out dark hair and eyes. A boy. "Who are you? Do you know where we are? Can you only remember your name?" You sigh quietly then say, "(Y/N), no, and yes. What's your name?" "Thomas," he replies, nearly inaudible. Maybe it's because your both scared or maybe you knew each other before whatever this was happened. You both leaned forward and wrapped your arms around each other, lending some comfort to each other. It wasn't romantic in any way, but you felt your heart jump around in your chest. Bright light floods the darkness. "Ewwwwww........There's a boy and a girl and they're shucking faces!!!!" You pull apart and glare at the person who spoke. "I'm Newt. Welcome to the Glade, ya shanks." Newt is blonde and a taller than you, causing you to crane your neck to look at him. "The Glade?" you hear your own voice crack. Pathetic. "Lots to learn, Greenie." Thomas grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. You smile at him !then look at Newt, "I think I can handle this place."
Okay then... That was a crappy imagine... I NEED INSPIRATION, GUYS!!!!! HELP ME!!!! I WILL GIVE YOU CREDIT IF YOU DO!!!

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