Your first kiss Part 3

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I'm sorry if this is super crappy. I type these up at like 11 at night. So yeah.
You clutched your stomach. Wheezing for breath, you slow to a jog. Panting, you wipe at the sweat on your face. Minho looks back at you. "Hurry up, ya shank. I'm not waiting around for you forever." You grit your teeth but sprint a bit to catch up with him. "That's a bit better," he says smirking. You glare at him then run ahead. You see a Griever. "Holy-" you mutter. It turns to you, menacing. It lurches forward and you leap backwards. You land on your hip and the scar that scanned over not to long ago ripped open. Wincing, you scooted over to the wall. You glance at your leg the sight is enough to trigger your tears. They come quickly. Quietly. They run down your face as you feverishly try to help the pain. The huge gash is even wider. Dark red blood is gushing out from it. It runs from the inside of your mid-thigh to a little below our knee. It throbs painfully and you notice bits of gravel and dirt in it. Infected. The ugly word comes to mind. You are in so much pain. Without thinking, you rip off your shirt, leaving you in a black sports bra. You press the shirt to the wound, soaking up the blood. It is damp within seconds. Still pressing the cloth to your leg, you rip off a part of your pants. You wound it around the shirt so it would stay put. You look up. You forgot about the Griever. Gone. Minho suddenly appears, scratches on his face, but nothing compared to your leg. He looks at your leg and his face grows pale and stern. He walks over and sits next to you. He takes off his pack and takes out a bit of cloth and presses it on your face, wiping away the tears and grime. The gesture feels natural and soothing. Soon, the tears refuse to come. You wince in pain as you move your leg a bit. You try to stand up but pain so sharp it feels like knives shoot up, that you stumble backward. A hand grabs you and pulls you down. Minho. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. I'll carry you back to the Glade if I have to," he whispers in your ear. You feel another sob threatening to come and you press our face to his chest. He leans down and rests his chin on top of your head. You look up at him, and he looks at you. A smile playing at the corners of his mouth, he leans down and presses his lips to yours. A sensation goes through your body and you momentarily forget about the pain. He pulls away shortly and hauls you into his arms, carrying you back to the Glade, like he promised. On you are back, he lays you down gently on the ground and yells for Newt to bring the Med-Jacks. They come a bit later. Seeing your leg, they visibly flinch. The last thing you see is Minho biting his lip as the darkness pulls you under.
This happened to my friend. She was running and on the fifth mile, she fell and ripped open her scab. I was there and it looked horrible.😭 Please pray that she's feeling better.🙏

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