How you guys met outside the Glade

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So basically this is before they were chucked into the Glade. This is like modern day.
Beginning for all three parts:
Your groaned rolling over and smashing our pillow on your head. Your alarm rang and rang. Your mom bursts into your room squealing, "Up, up, up! It's the first day of school! Your going to love 7th grade!" You groan again but sit up, rubbing the bleariness from your eyes. The clock reads 6:05. You swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up. Yawning, you pick out your clothes. A simple dark grey shirt, dark skinny jeans, bright Adidas sneakers, and a black jacket. You rush out the door yelling a brief good-bye to your parents and grabbing a bag of chips as the substitute for breakfast. As you walk to school, you wonder how seventh grade will be like.
You spin the lock on your locker, entering in the three numbers: 21, 8, 32. The locker opens and you toss oversized textbooks and notebooks into it before slamming it closed. You sit on the ground, leaning your back against the locker door and pull out your phone. You check the time, 20 minutes until homeroom. You shoot a quick text to your friend.
Can't believe ur not here😭 Miss you... Im gonna hate 7th grade.
You quickly get a reply.
Get a boyfriend, you idiot!😂 Anyone cute?
You smirk and look around.
Naw... I don't see anyone new.
Suddenly, someone is lying by our feet. "Ummmm, hi......." you say, getting up, you extend a hand to him. He grabs it and you haul him to his feet. "Nice to meet ya. I'm (Y/N)." "Thomas," he says smoothing back his dark brown hair. "New here?" you ask. He nods than asks, "Will you help me around here?" You smirk a bit then nod, "Who would say no to that face?" He smiles, seeming relieved. This is going to be a good seventh grade.
You had decided to take agriculture for your seventh grade elective. As you walk up to the farm, a cute blonde guy approaches you. "Can you help me find the farm? I'm new here and this map makes no sense. Whatsoever." You smile warmly, "Of course! That's where my next class is. I'm (Y/N), by the way." He looks relieved and smiling at you he replies, "I'm Newt." You hear the definite British accent. "Cool name." He shrugs then says, "Can you come over to my house after school and help me navigate this school?" He sounds shy, sheepish. "Sure! Anytime you need help, come to me first." He laughs and you immeasurably feel yourself drawn to him.
You bounced on the balls of your feet. Shifting from foot to foot. It was the first mile of the year. At your school, you have to run one mile a week for a grade. You couldn't mess up today. The P.E. teacher blows the whistle and you sprint past everyone. You make it halfway through the second lap then feel the burn. You start breathing hard. "Here. Drink this." You look over and see a cute Asian kid offering you a water bottle. Too thirsty to complain, you grab it then guzzle down a few gulps then toss it back to him. Feeling refreshed, you start sprinting again. He matches pace with you. Seeing the finish line, you simultaneously look at each other. You smirk and he raises his eyebrows. It's on. Trying to beat him, you put on a burst of speed. Neck-to-neck you cross the finish. You receive a 7:09. You feel giddy and happy, it's so good for the beginning of the year. "Whatdd'ya get?" you ask him. "7:10. You?" Smirking you say, "7:09." he glares at you, "Not fair, ..........." he trails off, looking at you expectantly. "Oh, right! (Y/N)." You extend your hand to him. He takes, and shaking your hand he replies, "Name's Minho, babe." You blush at his choice of words and feel tingles racking your body. It feels.... right.
Ha....... the Thomas one was so long.... I need inspiration guys!!!!!!

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