Your first kiss Part 1

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You don't feel that exhausted, even though you've been running the entire day. "(Y/N), slow down. Are you even human?" Thomas asks, his voice clearly implying that he was worn out. "Dude, are you shucked in the head? I am a human being! I'm not an alien or something." You reply, but you slow down to a walk. Thomas nods at you gratefully. He sinks to the ground, leaning against the Maze wall. He takes out his water, drinking thirstily. You watch him. Dark hair laying in damp strips obscuring most of his forehead. His dark brown eyes are closed, relaxing. His long muscled legs stretched out in front of him luxuriously. His Adam's Apple bobs up and down as he greedily gulps down water. You look away, embarrassed. He finally takes the water bottle away from his mouth, closing it. He licks his lips, showing a flash of his nearly perfect set of white teeth. "Let's get on with it," you say, itching to run more. "Wait. I'm not done taking a break yet," Thomas complains. You groan and go to sit on the ground next to him. He turns to you. He seems....bothered by something. "Thomas? Are you all right?" your brow creases in worry. He nods then shakes his my head. "I.....I can't....I can't take am can...." He stumbles over his words. "Thomas. It's okay. You can tell me. I'm your best friend, right?" You ask, laying a hand on his arm. "I don't WANT to be your best friend!" he screams. You look at him, hurt. "I don't understand, Thomas," you mutter quietly, starting to rise. He grabs your hand and pulls you back down onto the ground. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. What I mean to say is...." He takes a deep breath. "I love you, (Y/N). I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you. Ever since you stepped foot from the Box." He leans towards you and places his lips gently on yours. You sit there, startled, but you kiss him back. "I love you too, Thomas."
Whooooo!!!!!!!! This is for all you Tommy lovers out there!💖

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