Thominewt Imagine

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This takes place at college.
Third Person POV
Thomas flopped down on the bed, tired after the long day of exams. It was finally over. Just two more days of school. No more college after two days. Two days left of rooming with Minho and Newt in Thomas' senior year. Depressing. Minho shuts his bio textbook with a loud bang. Newt walks in a moment later, carrying an overstuffed folder, loose papers littering the ground, leaving a messy trail in the dorm hall. He shuts the door with his foot and tosses the folder on the small coffee table. He lays down on the bed, facing the ceiling. Minho, after throwing all his textbooks into a corner with great conviction, lays down on the bed besides Newt. Thomas sighs quietly. "It's our second to last day here," Minho mumbles. "I know," Newt mutters. "Whaddya want to do?" Thomas asks, somewhat timidly. "I'm so bugging tired. I want to sleep. Been wanting to sleep during those shuckin' exams," Newt gripes. Thomas nods in assent and Minho mutters 'Preach' under his breath. Minho moves forward until Newt's back is touching his front and drapes an arm around his waist. Newt reaches out to Thomas and wraps himself around the boy. Minho's face rests in the crook of Newt's neck, his breath fanning Newt's face. Thomas and Newt are nose to nose, breaths mingling. Thomas shifts slightly so his lips are pressed against Newt's temple. They fall asleep in that sweet position.
I love Thominewt fan art. It's so beautiful and freaking cute. I think this picture matches the story a bit. Not exactly. But a bit.

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