How you guys met in the Glade

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I will only be doing Thomas, Minho, and Newt. You can request other ones if you want.
You felt queasy as the metal box hurtled up. The loud grinding sound was driving you insane. You scramble into a corner, tucking yourself into a ball. The movement stops and it's deathly silent for a moment before bright light enters the darkness. You hear bits of conversation heating up.
"Shank, you told me that Teresa girl was the last one ever!"
"Another girl?!"
"I thought that the other girl was the last shucking one, it said so on the note!"
"Hey, Newt, is she hot?"
An older blonde guy jumps in and says, "Welcome to the Glade." You look around at the other boys but only one jumps to your attention. A brown-haired with dark brown eyes boy. As you get out, he approaches you and with a twinkle in his eye, he sticks out his hand, "I'm Thomas. I hope you'll be fine with me as your tour guide." You nod, take his hand, and reply, "(Y/N)." His mouth quirks up into a cute half-smile. "I have a good feeling about us," Thomas says. I sure hope so.
The dark is penetrated by a beam of harsh light. You squint up and see a figure jumping down. You look at him half frozen in fear and half curious. He looks down at you and you see that he is a hot Asian guy with huge arms. He puts out his hand and hauls you to your feet as if you weighed nothing. Maybe it was because you sat for a long time in the metal box or maybe it was because you were so freaked out. You fainted. Darkness envelopes you in an embrace anand you fall into it's lulling sleep. You jolt awake, and see the Asian dude sleeping in a chair by the bed. You smirk a little and stretch out your legs. The bed creaks as you swing your legs over the side and touch your feet to the floor. Suddenly he's there, taking your hand, pulling you into an embrace. You stand there, shocked but hug him back. He mumbles into your ear, "Don't ever do that again! You scared me to death." You smile and nod. He looks at you then all of a sudden his lips are pressed against yours. You don't know if it was him who leaned down or if it was you who reached up. "Welcome the Glade,(Y/N)."
Groaning, you sit up. Still groggy, you look around confused. Where the hell am I? You start panicking and look around. Your sitting in a metal box that it jolting upward, making your heart hammer wildly in your chest. You are alone. (Y/N). You remember only your name. Nothing on your past life, if you had one anyway. They metal gives way to light. You squint looking around. You get up quickly and someone jumps in. Blonde. Dark eyes. Cute. He looks at you, perplexed, then looks up at about four or five boys(I'm making you one of the original Gladers in this imagine). "A girl," is all he says. They all look down at you. You step back, apprehension creeping up your spine. The blondie puts out his hand, "Welcome to the Glade, (Y/N). Name's Newt." You look at him, bewildered. You notice the other guys looking at him strangely as well. You lick your dry lips, "How do you know my name? Why do you seem familiar, Newt?" You can hear the desperation and panic in your voice. Newt paused, then shook his head a little as if to say that he doesn't know. "Meet the Gladers. Alby, Minho, Gally, and Stephen." You nod absently, still looking curiously at Newt. As you hoist yourself up out of the Box, the small group disperses, leaving you alone with Newt. "I think I know you," you whisper, not exactly sure you wanted Newt to hear. He comes up behind you and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. You whip around to face him, a sudden realization dawning on you. An event vividly flashes before your eyes, reliving the moment.
You sat with your eyes closed, smiling serenely. Newt came up and sat with his back pressed against yours, shivers running down your spine. He looks at you and you crack open your eyes. He smiles and his face breaks into a goofy grin. He presses his lips to yours and you kiss him back. "I love you,(Y/N)." "I love you, too."
He looks at you and you know he remembers something like that too. He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses you. "I love you,(Y/N)." "I love you, too."
Well I had immense feels while writing this. My Wattpad keeps deleting my drafts! I have to save them somewhere else but that's hard.😱😭

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