Meeting Ki Hong Lee

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I know, I know. This is nothing like what I usually do, but I have these amazing dreams when I meet them, so yeah. I based this one off of the video that Ki Hong Lee posted a while ago.
Ki Hong Lee💖
You sigh and jab the elevator button. After about 3 minutes of waiting, the stupid elevator finally arrives. Typical hotel elevator. You shift your bags a bit when you hear the pleasant ding of the elevator. As the door opens, you look up briefly and wait until everyone that needs to exit leaves before you do. How Abnegation of you. You step in but one of your bags get stuck and refuses to budge. "Shit," you tug at it, hoping that it'll come loose. No such luck. You toss your other belongings into a corner and kneel down to asses the damage. The elevator doors start to close and before you can say anything, someone inside pushes the button so it'll stay open. Finally, FINALLY, the bag gives in and you haul it into your arms and carry it into the spacious elevator. You kick it to the corner and the elevator jolts upward. Someone snickers quietly and you turn around to give them the death stare, it was not your day. First, you had to walk to the hotel from the airport, which was like 2 miles, with the bags. It was horrible. And you couldn't find one single freaking taxi. Then, the hotel check-in person thought you were a guy and tried to give you the wrong suite key. You tried to explain that you were a girl to no avail. 10 minutes later, he finally seemed to get the point and gave you the right key. Then the elevator problem. You couldn't possibly screw up your day anymore. Or so you thought... Turning around the reprimand the stranger, just, OH MY GOD! IT'S KI HONG LEE!!! After your initial heart attack was over, you were still gawking awkwardly at him. Your mouth hung open and your eyes were wide open. Knowing that you probably looked super creepy, you shut your mouth. "Ummmm, are you really Ki Hong Lee or are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Oops. Accidentally showing your stupid side to famous actors now, (Y/N)? That's so cool! He laughs a bit, "Yes, I am Ki Hong Lee."
You stand there, shocked, even though you did think it was him, "Oh My God!"
"Haha. I always get that reaction." Suddenly, you lurch to a stop at the fourth level. Your room is on the seventh floor. Well, lets just add this to my list of WONDERFUL things that happened today! My God. "Jesus Christ. Are we seriously stuck?" you state the obvious, again. You slide down and sit on top of your bag and Ki Hong mimics you, sitting on his bags. He props his elbows on his knees and looks at you, "Let's play '10 Questions' except I ask you 10 questions about yourself mans you have to answer truthfully and after we switch." "Sure," you say, realizing that this would kill so much time. "Okay. First questions.
What's your name?
How old are you?
When's your birthday?"
"(Y/N), (Your age), (Your birthday)."
"Favorite color?
Favorite food?
Pet peeve?"
"(Your fave color), spaghetti (eyebrow wiggle. Lady and the Tramp), (your hobby), (your pet peeve)."
"Favorite book?
Favorite movie?
And, lastly, do you have a boyfriend?"
"Ummmmm, (your fave book), (your fave movie), and" you reply slowly. Why, oh why did you break, stupid elevator?! "My turn!" you say.
"Favorite color?
Favorite movie?
Favorite book?"
"(All the same as yours)."
"Favorite food?
Pet peeve?"
"(Same as yours)."
"Thomas Brodie-Sangster or Dylan O'Brien?
Jennifer Lawrence or Shailene Woodley?
Divergent or The Hunger Games?
Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Both, both, The Maze Runner," a quick wink, "and no, I broke up with my old one a few days ago."
And afterwards, you open up and talk for a few hours straight.
Was this super long? It took me three days to type this up. Hope you liked it!💕

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