Aris Imagine

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Aris POV
I was brought into a white-walled room. "What the hell are you doing to me? Where are the others?" I felt like exploding. They just made me witness Rachel dying then they drag me away from (Y/N)? That's plain rude. That's inhumane. A guard wearing all black glares at me from the door, he shifts his gun, as if reminding me that he has power over me. One wrong move, I'll be dead. Great. That's what I want, right? Not yet. First, I want answers. "I demand to know-" you start. "Shut up," the guard's voice is harsh. Brittle. "You'll get answers soon enough." You swallow back bile, I sort of am reconsidering getting answers now. If the people that trapped kids inside a Maze wants to give me answers, then I'm not exactly sure I want them. A few minutes later, people wearing white lab coats walk in. Without any introductions, they begin. "Welcome Aris. We understand that you are distraught. And understandably so. We are very sorry that you had to witness Subject B7's death. We-" I cut them off, "SUBJECT?! ARE YOU CALLING RACHEL A SUBJECT? SHE IS NOT A FUCKING SUBJECT!!!" My breathing is ragged. One of the scientists speaks up. "I'm sorry. But if you want answers, I suggest you keep quiet." I glare at the speaker. "As we were saying. We are very sor-" "Ha. You're definitely not sorry," I shoot back bitterly, "Where's (Y/N)? Tell me where she is!" I feel so angry, boiling over. I smack the table, visibly startling some of them. "Oh. Did you have an attachment to Subject B10 as well?" I lose control. My instincts take over. I fly on top of the one that spoke. I punch and punch. I hear the satisfying crack as I pummel his face and relish the scarlet blood that gushes from his nose and splits in his face. Carved there by me. I feel hands pulling me down. Then a sharp prick. Then, black.
I wanted to try something different. TBH, I think Jacob Lofland is the perfect person to play Aris. I sorta imagined Aris to look like him.

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