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Okay. I did it. Probably more spoilers...
Dear Minho,
How is it that I feel like since you aren't here, a part of my soul just went away? It became way to hard without you. I know that you are angry and confused on why I am where I am right now. Rightfully so. I understand. I couldn't face having you be the last person I see. It would have been too hard letting go. It would have made me think twice about my actions. It would make me selfish. With Thomas, it's different. He so shucking selfless, it's easy to let go. It wasn't easy. I hope you understand that I did what had to be done. If it didn't go down to that, I might've become a full Crank. I would unintentionally hurt you or Thomas. It was my decision. It may have been a selfish one, but it's mine. I'm the one to blame. Don't be too hard on Tommy. I hope you understand. You're a good person, Minho. I hope to see you soon, but not too soon. I intend for you to live a long life.
Dear Newt,
I can't go one shucking day without thinking about you. It was hard. Not seeing your shuck face everyday, waking me up. Your bossy self isn't here to reprimand me. It was hard. I wanted to die. Minho locked himself into his room and wouldn't talk to me. I go everyday, feeling guilty. I know you don't like it, but I can't feel any other way. I miss you. I wish I had more time than I got with you. Newt, I feel the same way, would it have been easier if we just told each other about how we felt? Maybe then, your decision might've been different. Maybe it would've been harder to let go. Sometimes, I feel you near me. Your presence. Talking to me. Guiding me. My guardian angel. I miss you a lot. I miss your eyes. Your smile that lit up the room. Your attitude. Your brave words. Your ever-changing disposition, mostly sweet. Wish you were here to help me. But then again, I wouldn't need help. Would you have hated me if I didn't do it? That question always bothers me. The what ifs. They cloud my thoughts. What if we were a thing? What if you were a Munie? What if we weren't in the Trials? What if I didn't do it? What if you asked Minho instead? I will always miss you.
Dear Teresa,
I know that we never really clicked, but I just want you to know that I really admire your bravery. It's a lasting legacy for you and a role model for me. For that, I thank you. When I first heard of you from Thomas, I hated you on the spot. I now know that it was jealously. Jealous that you were the one everyone was talking about. Jealous that you had Thomas. Jealous of the very idea of you. I was wrong. So very wrong. I can't hate you. I couldn't hate you, so instead I was jealous, a pitiful way to think. I am very sorry. I know that you sacrificed yourself for Thomas. That was brave. It was very heroic. After you left us, Thomas locked himself in a room and didn't eat, talk, or come out for three days. It was exhausting. I thought that he was going to kill himself. On the fourth day, a bit after I ate my lunch, he came out of the room. He looked horrible. Eyes sunken, chapped lips, his skin seemed to hang loosely. He spoke in a scratchy voice, "I'm sorry. That was wrong of me. I know Teresa and Newt frowned down on me." That's how I knew that while in that room for three days, the one thing that he thought about were you and Newt. Today, he tells me that he remembered that you were brother and sister. I expected him to be devastated. He lost his family. He was quite pleased. Why, I cannot tell you because I don't know, but I think that it has something to do with the fact that he remembered something without the help of W.I.C.K.E.D. I know that you'd be better for him. I know, and I would switch places with you happily if that's what would please him. I'm so very sorry and I miss you.

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