Thomas Imagine Part 3//Requested

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So @TheGluesGirl requested a next part so here. Sorry if it's not the best and it's so short.
Your POV
I try to smile coolly, but inside, my heart flutters rapidly. I'm pretty sure my breathing got all heavy and weird and I feel my mouth drop open. I must look like I deformed alien. He chuckles, reaching out with one hand, gently closes my mouth. His hand lingers on my jaw, then inches up to cup my cheek. I lean my face slowly into his hand. He leans forward and brushes his lips against mine, pulling away quickly. He scratches his neck, his face turning a shade of red, "Ummm, sorry." "Sorry for what?" I answer then lean into him and press my lips to his, with a bit more force than I intended, causing him to tip over backward. I land on top of him. He looks up at me, then pulls me down for another kiss. "Be my girlfriend?" He mumbles into my mouth. "Of course," I answer. "I love you, (Y/N)," Thomas says, sweetly gazing into your eyes. "I love you too, Thomas," I answer, closing my eyes and leaning into his chest.

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