Talents? Part 1

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Talent- You're so good at sparring, you beat even Gally.
"Come on, (Y/N)!" Chuck whines, "I want to see you fight!" You glare at him but finally agree. Alby smirks a bit and says, "Gally. You're up, shank." You groan inwardly. This was NOT how you imagined your first sparring match. Not with the best fighter in the Glade. You look at Thomas, your best friend, and he gives you a sweet, encouraging smile. 'I'll win this. For Thomas,' you think to yourself. "Ready? Go!" Alby screams. Gally steps into a huge punch, aiming at your face. Luckily, you see it coming and crouch. Kicking out your legs, you slam our foot into Gally's shin. He yelps and stumbles back. The Gladers are dead silent. "I'll admit it, shuck-face. That was pretty good for a girl," Gally taunts. Okay, fine. Be like that. You fake an uppercut punch with your left and jab with your right. Gally growls, glaring at you, his look filled with menace. You smirk at him, and mouth 'Bring it on.' He shakes his head ever so slightly and charges at you. You're too slow this time and he rams into your shoulder, sending you sprawling. Luckily, it didn't hurt that much and you jump right back up onto your feet. He punches at your stomach and you easily block it with your forearm. He kicks at your side and you roll away. You run into a side kick, knocking him flat onto his stomach. He doesn't get up. You won. Wearing a smug smile, you turn to Alby and spread both of your hands out, as if to say, 'Well, what do you know. It just so happens that I beat the best fighter.' He scowls at you and stalks away. A triumphant smile spreads onto your face as you feel a tap on your right shoulder. You turn in that direction and see no one there. You hear someone clear their throat and you look to the left. Thomas. "Oldest trick in the book," he says, shrugging. He smiles at you, "Who knew that my girlfriend would beat Gally? Is there anything else you're keeping from me? Any other freaky talents that wow the crap out of me? No? Well, we'll find out." You shake your head at him and he hugs you.

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