Meeting Thomas Brodie-Sangster

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This is probably going to be the last imagine like this. Just saying. So no Dylan because I've ran out of ideas. Sorry.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster😍
You were visiting England for a week. The weather has been so bad and you've been forced to seek shelter in a hotel. Not very fun. The first day, it rained on your parade. Literally. It was the fifth day since coming, and the pouring rain had finally stopped to a drizzle. You decided to head to Starbucks for a cup of hot coffee. The hotel coffee tasted like water and was sooooooo overpriced. Even more then Starbucks😂 Once you got there, you ordered (insert favorite Starbucks drink here). Sipping the drink, you looked around and found one empty table. You made a beeline for it and plopped your butt down on the cold seat. You brought out your phone and texted your parents, telling them that you were fine, and the weather might cause you to go back later than expected because it would be dangerous to fly if the weather remained horrible. You started putting your phone away when, "Is this seat taken?" "No. Make yourself at home," you reply, shoving your phone into your jacket pocket. Then, you looked up. Oh my God. "Wha----"you trailer off. "What.....w-why...ummmmm," you stuttered. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Thomas by the way," he extends his hand to you. You shake it uncertainly, "(Y/F/N). Are you THE Thomas Brodie-Sangster by any chance?" A smile tugs at his slightly chapped lips, "Guilty. (Y/F/N), what's your last name? I believe it's only fair that since you know my full name, I should know yours." "(Your full name)," you say as coolly as possible, not wanting to seem crazy. "(Your full name). You have a suitable name for such a beautiful young woman," he says, smiling. "Urrr, thanks? I think. Except I'm not beautiful," you state. "Well, truth to be told, I could've sat down anywhere, I chose you and you chose me. We're even. I believe," he replies. You shake your head slightly. "We're not even, your a freaking actor. I'm just a person from somewhere. Don't you see the difference?" "We're all people. There is no difference. I make as big an impact on the world as you make yours. We simply are just people. Imperfect. Always making mistakes. The same," he retorts. "Ha. I wish. But we aren't," you reply bitterly. Thomas reaches across the table and cups your cheek. His hand is warm and you can feel your face growing red. "We are the same, (Y/N). We are metaphorically just wearing different clothes." He stands up and kisses you softly, half on the cheek, half on the mouth. He takes out his phone and types something in and leaves it on the table. He strides out the door and walks away. Dumbfounded, you look at his phone. His address and phone number. You stand up quickly and walk out the door, trailing him.
This took forever to type. I stapled my finger and it hurts a lot. And my dad poured hydrogen peroxide on it and it made it worse😭

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