Part 2 of a Thomas Imagine

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Your POV
Defiant. I cross my arms and lift my chin. Hoping to seem braver than I actually feel. I can feel my leg trembling. A boy with brown hair and eyes makes eye contact. He mouths my name. Confused, I look at him. Sure that I misunderstood him, I turn away. Newt and a dark-skinned boy approach me. "I'm Alby," the dark-skinned one says, "Can you tell me your name?" "(Y/N)," I reply after a moments pause. "Welcome to the Glade. Thomas over there," he gestures to the brown haired boy that somehow knows my name, "will give you a informal tour since he's the Greenie. If you ever need anything, come directly to me or Newt. Now, I think we should move to more...... pressing matters." I nod solemnly, knowing exactly where this conversation is heading. "What to do with this girl," he gestures to Teresa.
"I'm Teresa," she says. I answer, "(Y/N)." "Do you know wh-" she cuts off in the middle of the sentence as if someone abruptly gagged her. "Hello? Hello?!"I say. A bit worried. Nothing. Silence.
"What do you mean DO with this girl? Are you like going to kill her?!" My hands move against my will, gesturing wildly at Teresa and glaring Alby. He looks at me grimly. "That's exactly what I mean." He says it with so much conviction that I can only stop and stare. "W-what? WHY? Is that even logical?! At least think about it!" you scream, waving your hands around like a maniac. Even Newt agrees with you, "Come on, Alby. What if she wakes up and actually has a clue for getting out of this shuck maze? Give her a bit of time." Alby takes a deep breath and exhales so long I think he's going to past out. "Fine. 2 weeks at most. Then, I'll take matters into my own hands," he snarls then stalks off.
⚡️Time Flash⚡️
You grab some food and walk to a tree, and lean your back against the trunk. You sit and start to eat your dinner. It was actually pretty good. Mashed potatoes, a slab of juicy meat, and a bit of salad. As you attack your food, you hear, "Can I sit here?" You look up. It's that boy, Thomas. You smile and nod. He looks relieved and plops down on the ground and starts talking. "So, I actually only arrived yesterday, so I only know about as much as you do. Anyway. This is the Glade. The leader's Alby and the second-in-command is Newt. Newt's a good guy." He leans in as if to tell you a secret, "Just between you and me, I think that Newt should be the leader." I laugh, glad that someone agrees with me. "That, my friend, is absolutely true." He blushes and smiles at you. "Just, if you need anything, I'm here for you. I have a feeling that we'll go great together."

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