Before you entered the Glade

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"Mommy, do I have to go help? I want to stay home with you," I whine. Mom sighs, "Y/N, you're a big girl now. You're eight, you can take good care of yourself. You're a fighter. W.I.C.K.E.D. will take care of you. You'll help find the cure for people like me and your Daddy. It's for the best." Her tone expresses finality, but her expression gives it away. Her eyes have dark bags under them and her lips are pressed tightly together. She doesn't want you to go. She smiles weakly and kisses your forehead and stand to leave. "I love you, you know." "I love you, too," you say, your chest hurting from emotional pain. "Good night. See you later," she says, tears forming in her eyes. That's how you know you'll never see her again. Sleep comes even though you don't want it. When you wake up, you're not in your room anymore. The walls are white and the room is small, the bed, uncomfortable. The WICKED compound. A man comes in and orders you to come out. He leads you to a room. About 12 other kids about your age are sitting around a table. All look sad, teary-eyed, and deprived of a good night's rest. At the head of the table, there is a man in all white. He reminds you strongly of a rat. "You have been chosen to help with the Maze Trials to help get a cure for the Flare. If you object, which I hope not, you will experience.....a most.....unpleasant execution and it certainly the last thing you will ever feel. Any objections?" he says in his nasally voice. No one says anything, we all pretty much understood enough to get that we would die if we didn't help. Total freedom of choice, right? I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything. Then they chucked us into a cramped room and told us to get to no each other. We all sat close together, practically on each other's laps, not for comfort, but out of the feeling of desperation to have human contact. We talked a bit and immediately took a liking to each other. While WICKED was horrible, the perks were having people who click together like that *snaps fingers*.

Hey guys! Whaddya think about that? Follow me on Instagram @perks_of_being_everlark cause I'm trying to get to 2k! Thank you!

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