Thomas Imagine

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Your POV
I laughed, clutching the pillow to my chest. I was sitting on the floor with Teresa, Newt, Thomas, and Minho. We were playing Truth or Dare. "Okay, that was embarrassing," Minho complained, blushing, "you guys don't need to know that I still sleep with a teddy bear. Your turn, Thomas." I looked at Thomas. He looked regal. Tousled brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, soft-looking lips. He drove you crazy. He smirked and turned to you, "Okay, (Y/N). Truth or dare?" I bit my lip, "Dare." His smirk cut across his face, "I dare you to make out with the hottest guy here." I gave him a look like, seriously. But inside, my heart was flipping. Oh God. You stood up uncertainly. "Today, (Y/N)," Minho said, smirking at you. Even Newt looked smug, they all looked like they knew something you didn't. Great. Teresa smiled and leaned forward, "Well go on. I want to see who you think is the hottest." I groaned, running a hand through your hair. I gulped then shook my head and headed towards Thomas. I kiss him briefly and pull away. "Wow, (Y/N), your tongue tastes amazing," he says. I reach out and hit him across the head, not exactly lightly. He's smiling at Newt and Minho. "My turn," you announce. "Thomas, truth or dare?" "Truth," he replies. "Wimp. Who do you like?"you ask. "(Y/N)," he complains. You smirk and gesture for him to carry on. "You," he mutters.
Woah. This was so short.

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