Thominewt Imagine: Studying

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Minho, Newt, and Thomas speed-walked to the last empty table at the library. Spreading books and papers all over the desk, they got three chairs and pulled them over to the table. They sat down and quietly began studying. Newt was reading the psychology textbook, Minho was flipping through his lecture notes, and Thomas was writing an essay for English. As soon as they were getting settled in, Minho started moving in his seat restlessly. He looked super uncomfortable in the school attire and was pulling at his collar and tie. Thomas was laughing inwardly at Minho while Newt was sending Minho a subtle message to stop moving around. Minho, of course, remained oblivious to Newt's looks and just kept on acting restless. Three minutes into this, Newt snapped his fingers under Minho's nose, "Stop moving. I'm trying to study for the shucking exam tomorrow. You have the finals tomorrow too. You should be studying." Minho ceased shaking and five minutes later he was still. Thomas looks up confused, wondering how Minho can actually be this still for once. Drool is gathering at Minho's mouth, his mouth open. His head is lolling backwards. His breathing is heavier. Almost snoring. Newt looks up and finally notices that Minho is sleeping. He shoots Thomas a look and Thomas shrugs, turning back to his paper. Newt stands up suddenly, banging the table. "Stop falling asleep every time we study!" Newt whisper-shouts. He still receives a look from the librarian. Minho doesn't flinch. Instead, Minho begins to snore. Newt reaches over and softly slaps Minho's face and repeats what he said. Minho's eyelids flutter open, then shut rapidly. Newt narrows his eyes, knowing Minho is awake. He opens his mouth again but Thomas cuts him off. "Guys, please," Thomas sighs. Newt sits back heavily in his chair and Minho resumes snoring.

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