Gally Imagine

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"Day one, Greenie. Rise 'n shine." You squint, looking up. A boy, a bit older than you, with black hair and a sort of squished in nose that reminds you strongly of a pug's. Not necessarily unpleasant looking. As you take in your surroundings, you only notice boys. No other girls. You wonder why you haven't been called out yet. Then you realized that you're wearing an oversized sweater with the hood up. They can't tell. Surprisingly, you realize that you don't want them to find out that you're a girl. Why, you have no idea, you just do. A dark-skinned boy with close-cropped hair comes up to you and greets you. He talks a bit on where you are but the only thing that registers is that they've been in a place called the Glade for a long time. Your not exactly paying attention, when he claps you on the back and leaves, you breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the crowd had already dispersed and only a few stragglers remained. The boy who greeted you introduced himself, "I'm Gally. I'll be showing you around for the next few days, Greenie." You nod and he looks at you. Staring, not in a mean way, but more like a confused or curious type of stare. You feel as if he's searching your soul with one sweep of his eyes. Reading you. "I never did catch your name," he says. "Oh. (Y/N)," you reply. He seems to hesitate a bit, then he leans over and gives you a comforting hug.

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