Dylan Imagine for @INTERNETTARD

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"Ryland!" you yell. He just giggles and runs away from you. You sigh. Why a younger brother? A wild lion might've been more obedient than Ryland.... You sit down on the park bench and pull out your phone. You check the time. Great. 11:03 You've only been here three minutes. Of course, your mom told you to stay at your neighborhood park until 12. Even mom needs a break from Ryland, you think bitterly. You pull your knees in to your chest, staring at the little kids playing on the apparatus. You sigh and put your phone away. You just sit and look at the trees. The boughs wave and dance, beckoning to you. The leaves quiver and wave you towards them. A small smile crosses your face. You decide and head over to the tree. You sit on the ground, leaning your back against the rough bark. You close your eyes and lean your head back against the firm trunk. Enjoying a moment of peace without Ryland. Moments stretch into minutes. The silence is interrupted by a scuffle of shoes. You open your eyes a crack, expecting Ryland to be there. "Holy......." you trail off. "Can I sit here?" he asks. How is this happening? How is Dylan O'Brien here?! Standing right in front of you. Oh My God! "Umm, so can I?" he asks again, looking a tad bit uncomfortable. You nod, wide-eyed. You realize sheepishly that your mouth was hanging open and you shut it. "Are you, I mean-" you start. He raises his eyebrows, "Am I Dylan O'Brien? I'm 100% positive. But I don't know your name?" "Oh. Duh. Sorry. It's (Y/N)," you reply. He puts out his hand and you shake it. He doesn't let go. He clasps your hand between both of his and looks at you. "I know this is going to sound crazy, but, can I have your number? This will probably seem incredulous, but, I feel a connection with you." You gape at him, "Of course. It's (your phone #). I- how. Do you really feel a connection or are you messing with me?" He lets out a tiny breath that fans your face and you can smell its sweetness. He let's go of your hand and cups your cheek, forcing you to look into those deep chocolate brown eyes that seemed to make you melt and your heart flip. "Yes, yes I am, (Y/N)." With that, he lightly kisses your forehead, then your nose, and finally, softly on your lips. He stands up and says, "Ill text you. I should be going now." You nod, blushing. One minute later you receive a text.
Miss you already, babe.😘
I'm sorry if this was bad @INTERNETTARD. I didn't know exactly what kind of imagine you wanted so... Oh, and I don't think I'm going to be doing a Part 2 for the Thomas Sangster Imagine because I'm starting a Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine fanfic. So look forward to that. Sorry💕

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