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I switch on the lights of my office floor and it beams into life.
The glass walls and windows start glistening with the shimmer of the golden light. And like everyday, the morning of this office begins.

I take my seat in my spacious office, and switch on my laptop, intercom, and phone.
The project in my hand is almost complete and all I need is the approval from my boss.

I take a sip of my not so strong coffee, and my system wakes up instantly.
My phone and laptop start beeping with notifications.

"Pick me up, from the airport at 10."

"Yes Boss!", I mutter to myself taking a look at the time.

8:20 am.

Good! I have a lot of time.

I checked my schedule book, to see what all is in store for me today.

  - 10 am- Pick up MR. ASHTON
  - 10:15am- His coffee time.
  - 11 am- Gather his suit from the laundry
  - 11:45 am- Pick him from his penthouse.
  - 12:00 pm- Meeting with Peterson corporation.
  - 2 pm- Receive his lunch at the office.
  - 4 pm- Internal affairs discussion with office corporates.
  - 5:45pm- His coffee time.
  - 6pm- Discuss his speech for heir ceremony.
  - 7pm- Address to all the employees.
  - 7:45pm- His coffee time.
  - 8 pm- Meeting with Mr. Richardson.
  - 9 pm- Meeting with Ms. Lyla Carson.
  - 10 pm- Receive his dinner at the office.
  - 11 pm- Drop him at his pentpenthouse.

And luckily that would mark the end of my day.

Such a workaholic he is! That was my first impression of my boss.

Actually my boss' son.
ERIC ASHTON, the only hier of my former boss JAMES ASHTON.

Sir James, was a easy to go man, with little or rather no attitude. You would be the worst person before him, and he will treat you best.
In spite of his old age, he worked tirelessly for his company. And me at the age of twenty four would sometimes wondered how he does it.
He was kind, and calm and I have been working for him for two years now.

I remembered how he called me day before yesterday.

"Erica! Child I want a favour from you..", he said after I settled down before him.
"Yes James! Say it out."
He cleared his throat and began, "Dear! As you know, today is my last day at work. My son is going to take up from Monday. And I want you to be his PA, and secretary.
The reason is you are one of my most trusted people. And you have been working here for two years now. I'll move to Italy with my wife. And there will be no one but you to help Eric here.
You have seen me work, so you can assist him in taking over."

Working with Sir James was different and overwhelming. And his behavior was like a father's to his daughter.
However, I don't expect the same from his son.

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