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I glanced at h only to find him looking in my direction..

Thank God he didn't push further.

"What about you!?", I speak and his trance wavers.

"What about me!?"

"Why you are so rude to them!? What did they do!?", I uttered but I expected the worst.

He will definitely lash out...-i thought but instead he smiled.

"Something that I won't forget in this life.", He repeated my answer.

Even I didn't push further.

It is his personal matter.

We walked back when James called me wanting my presence so he could thank me.

But thankfully he said, 'My kids', and so that included the three of us. Me, Sir and David.

Once the speech was over, the elders left and the party turned to a youngsters mob.
And not only drinking, but people were grinding and doing all the shit of the world.

That's where my introvert side awakens.
Ugh! I hate parties...

Disgusted, I left the place.

But sadly I wasn't having any car.
The car I took from Nonna's place was already returned. So I decided to take a cab.
However, this time of night is very dangerous in Italy.

Keeping all the suspicious and creepy thoughts at bay, I walked along the footpath, so I could spot any taxi or cab, which were nowhere to be seen on this deserted road.

I walked but my steps halted as I spotted a black figure blocking my way.
I saw the shoes, and looked up.

It was a man, looking utterly creepy with a cut mark on his cheek.
He was shaking as if drunk.
He had a bored expression on his face.
Most importantly he looked familiar.

"How much for a night!?", He said and I was taken aback.

God! What does he think I am!?

A wave of fear crawled through my spine.
"You mistook me for someone else. Am sorry I need to leave."

I attempted to walk past him, but his hand went straight to my shoulder and he held the neckline of my dress.

"What are you doing!? Back off!", I was enraged.

"Don't be feisty. One night and you can leave in the morning.", No!

I tried to struggle and pull myself away from him only to have my dress torn from over my breast, completely exposing my chest and innerwear to the man before me.

I fell on the road, attempting to hide my chest with my hands.
But he was way more stronger.

He pulled my hands away and removed the torn piece of my dress exposing me again.

Tears sprung my eyes, as I feel my world shattering apart.
He's going to rape me!
All that is returning!

"Ugh! Your body is so disgusting!", He yells at me probably after seeing the marks on my chest, "You spoiled my day! You whore!"

And then he went away.

I was relieved that he left but I couldn't breath at all. Gasping for air, my lungs refused to work.
And I felt like life is being squeezed out of my body.

I was having a panic attack.


"Stay Eric! Just drink and have fun..", David forwarded me a shot of vodka.

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