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"Erica! It's done!", He yelled from his room tiredly.
"Ok!", I yelled back and picked up the dinner I prepared for him.

When I entered the room, I saw him lying on his bed exhausted.
"I can't believe my room was that messed up."

I smiled amused, "It always is. To find one pair of suit, you jumble up everything. Your papers are always scattered everywhere. And I have to wipe your mess every other day."
"Geez.... I'll help you next time.", He whined.
"That means you won't work to correct your habits?"
He sat up and smiled that rare smile of his, "No!"

"Ok good!", I settled the tray on the coffee table, "Get freshed...I'll serve the dinner."

So all work he had to do today was clear his room of the mess he creates everyday. And as I can see, he has done that quite well.

Later that night, I was back in my room to apply ointment on my scars. They burn and itch alot. But at the end of the day, I know it will be good for me.

I sat in front of the mirror, bare from my up, in just a sport slip. Although I realize it's importance, it's quite hard to prepare for the pain. I pulled my hair up in a bun and slowly opened the tube.

The first touch of the substance on my skin had me wincing and clenching my teeth. But I continued to use it on me. By the end of it, my face was already red and several tears have fallen down.
When done, I came on my bed and rested my head on the pillow. The pain wasn't over yet.

Imagine if I wasn't born there, my life would have been so normal. There would have been no pain then, and even now.
A flash of memories came in front of my eyes.

"You girl are born to serve men. Be it one, be it many. You hold no virtue. You are not a honourable women of the society. Instead you are a garbage, people will use and throw."

A tear left my eyes. Had I not been here under James and Jessica's care, I would probably be serving as a sex worker. Had I not been with Eric, I would probably be still abusing my destiny.

"You can't even think about a fight back. You are born to surrender."

And then I believed it to be true. I am born to surrender. Another tear escaped my eyes, as my eyes stared at the white colored ceiling above me.

But that vision was suddenly blocked, and a pair of blue green eyes came in front of me.
I stared at them unfazed.

And the next thing I knew was some soft sensation on my lips. His whole aura surrounded me. His body warmth, as if was made to sooth my throbbing body.
I closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in the feeling of him. He kissed me like there's no tomorrow. And all the rational thoughts about him being my boss were out of the window.

At that particular instance, he was a man who had cure to my every pain. Not just physical, but emotional too.
I don't know how much time he took, but when I became short of breath, he pulled away.
And as soon as he pulled away, the thoughts that we are doing the formidable clouded my thoughts.

I sat up immediately.
My eyes went to the vanity near my bed, and saw my hideous look.
My hair were coming out from the bun, and lips were red, wet and swollen. My eyes were puffy with all the crying. My eyes trailed downwards and I saw the marks covered in ointment visible through the straps of my slip.

"I am ugly. How can you kiss me?", I saw his eyes widen at my question.
"Erica who told you so!?", No one. But I know that. My body reeks of abuse.
"You are beautif....."
"Why did you kiss me!?", I asked monotonously.
He let out a sigh and leaned forward holding my cheek in his palm.
"Erica don't berate yourse...."
"Why did you kiss me!?", I interrupted again.
Of course it was not because I was looking beautiful or he finds me desirable. It was not because he has feelings for me.

"Erica that must be burning. You want some ice!?", He avoided my question again.
"Wait I'll bring you some...", He attempted to stand up, but I held his hand.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Erica!", He held my face in his palm, "I can't see you crying because of the pain. I wanted to distract you. That's it."

That's it.


A exhuriating silence fell between us.
I can't tell her, that she attracts me like no other. That after our first kiss, she has been the only thing in my mind. Kissing her again to distract her was a mere excuse.

"Erica!? Say something!?", For a second I thought my answer hurt her.

"You should show this affection to someone who literally suits you Eric. Someone who could  actually attract you. And someone you really love! Wasting kisses on random women isn't..."

"You are not a random women.", I didn't let her complete, "And I don't do Love!"

She looked up, and our eyes met.
I thought I should clarify something, and so I leaned again and pecked her lips, catching her off guard, "And I will kiss you every time you shed tears. So stop them, otherwise you can't stop me."


I interrupted again, "From tomorrow I will apply that ointment on you. And you won't whine. Because it's nothing I haven't seen."

I gave her some lose shirt of hers, and laid her down. Coming out of her room, I went to mine, where my phone was ringing.

When I checked it, it was mother calling.
"Yes mom!"

"Eric how's Erica!? Could you convince her??"
"I did mom. She's fine now.", I hope she's fine.

"Good. Now tell me will you come to Italy for your birthday?"
"Mom I won't be..."
"Eric it's been thirteen years. Don't inflict this on me. I lost my daughter then, but it always felt like I lost you too.", Hearing a Eve gave a pain in my chest.

"Not for anyone Eric, but for your Eve. Please Eric!"

"Ok!", I heard squeals behind her and then realized that nonna too was hearing me. May be dad also.
"I love you my son! We will wait!", She said and I hung up.

I feel like I am changing. I am becoming softer. And everything because of a certain someone.
Mr. Softie.
I smiled thinking about the name she gave me.

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