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"Is the jet ready Stephan?", I asked impatiently.

He smiled, "Yes sir...almost..just five more minutes.."

"Make it faster."

I paced back and forth in the airport lobby. They were going to the concert tonight and I called Erica in the morning telling her that I won't come today because I want to look into the South America project today and then directly fly to Italy the next day.

She hung up on me hearing that, and minutes later David called cursing me with all the profanities that ever existed in this world. He was furious.

I don't know why does this concert is such a big topic. It was just an outing and we could go another time. I called again on her cell the hundredth time since then only for her to reject it.

Okay! I promised I will be back but this work is important too. I only wanted not to be called again for this project within a week. Because Embrey still needed care and I can't ask Erica to come with me to States.

I called David, and he too rejected the call. These two can be infuriating together.

I called dad this time..

"Uh_yeah dad... where's Erica?"
He sighed, "The kid is out with David and Venus. We are at David's right now, we are getting ready for the concert....!"

"Dad! Tell them I am coming."
"But you said you won't..."
"I know I said that...but Erica looks very upset... what's up this her...she was fine last night.."

"Eric she was waiting for you. She is disappointed."
I rubbed my face with my hand, "Dad send me the address, I'll directly come there... otherwise I won't get there on time."

"Okay...I am sending the address.."

By then Stephen came, "Sir...let's go!"

I nodded, "C'mon..!"


As I got down the car, I could hear the crowd inside the stadium. Yeah it was a freaking stadium.

As soon as I got out of jet, I tried calling Erica but her phone was not reachable. My previous texts were seen but not replied.

Dad's bodyguard Jack was waiting for me with my VIP pass. I removed my overcoat and handed it to Henry, and then following Jack swiftly went inside.

Everywhere there were roars and claps sounded as if they are having a time if their life. Why would Erica want to attend this kind of event? We both don't like crowds.

There was a mighty stage at the centre of the stadium and while the general audience was seated in the seats at the back, the VIP's were given the left portion near the stage.

Thank god! It has not started yet.

I spotted David who was standing near one of the front seats and my family seated their excited. Embrey too looked good from the last time I saw her, though she was sitting in comfort near my mother.

"David!?", I called him as soon as I came nearer.

His eyes lifted up from his phone to me. Although all other times, I see him grin as I come this time he remained expressionless.

Pissed probably.

"You all have been so worked up for this!?", I pointed at the berserk crowd.

He raised his brow at me, "I swear Ashton...if you would have bailed out on her today, I would have never let you see her again."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know what's wrong with you all. This is just a fucking concert and you all.....okay leave it...where is she?"

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