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His mesmerizing eyes held shock, as if he wasn't expecting me to see when he barges in my room.
Wait!? I said mesmerizing!?

I mentally slapped myself. These were the perks of staring at his huge portraits in the mansion, for hours.
The way they held the patches of indigo, in their ocean of black. A little green. They looked like little earth. The world.

What the hell am I thinking!?
But how did I miss his eyes before!

"What the hell are you doing here!?", I flinched back when he yelled at me dangerously like never before!

"Sir...!", I stammered my answer, when he reached to me and held my hand in such a tight grip, I felt like my viens would burst.
He yanked my hand at my back, harshly.

"How dare you enter this place!!??", He yelled again.

How did I get carried away by what nonna or david said. He is as cruel as he can be. I hate him! I hate him!

"S_Sir..!", Tears pooled my eyes but I got interrupted by David's voice.

"Eric! What are you doing!? Leave her! It's hurting!", He held his hand that was crushing me, but the rage in my boss' eyes knew no one. And his grip on me tightened.

"Ahh!", I cried.

Nonna came running behind.
My eyes were already dripping.

"How dare she get in this place!? This is her room. What the hell she thinks of herself!?", He growled and Nonna ran forward to free me from him.

"Eric...I told her to stay here! It's not her fault. Leave her!", He didn't budge, and I cried as pain gushed in my arms.

"Eric!!", Nonna yelled, "Evelyn is going to hate you for this!!!"

As these words escaped her mouth, he left my hand..

I cried more, as blood rushed back with a current and fell before him.

David ran for me, "Oh god! Erica!".

Nonna pushed him back so she was before me, and sat beside me.
"Call the doctor David! Her hands are blood red!", She exclaimed.

They were but that's not my concern right now.

I have to leave. I can't dare live in a kilometer radius as him.
He isn't a human.

I stood up and wiped my tears with difficulty.
When I reached his level,I saw his eyes were on me.

Yeah! Come hurt me more!-i wanted to yell at him but restrained.

I went towards the cupboard and pulled my still unpacked bag from its side.

Nonna asked me to stay with her, and then in this room.
I was not comfortable at first because this room held so much luxury. The pink and white textures gave it a princess theme. Beautiful, and breath taking!
Nonna said she wants me to stay here in someone's rememberance. Someone she loves alot. And someone who would love to have me here.

I never knew this will be the result.

Nonna and David were trying to persuade me to stay, while he stood rooted at his place.
"Erica! He'll apologize!", She said frantically, "Eric she will go! Apologize now!"

I chuckled internally.
Probably nonna doesn't know his true colours.

"Erica my child don't..", I interrupted her.

"Nonna! Your grandson must be good to you. David with you too. But for me, he's a devil. You saw how he humiliated me David!! Still I was here expecting some civil behavior from him. I thought that not having me as his PA will end his grudge. But he's a tormentor! He doesn't deserve any respect! He doesn't deserve any love!", My voice turned out harsher than intended.

But I knew no stop, "I can't bear to see him before me!"

I resumed my packing.

"I'll ask the driver to take you to James...", Nonna said hastily.

"No nonna! I will make arrangements on my own. I talked to the real estate agent and there's an apartment downtown. They said it's airy, and properly lit.", I tried to sound as normal as possible but my voice came out raspy.

Once the bag was ready, I hugged Nonna and then David.
David in some past few days, emerged as a brother I longed to have always. Of course, he tried to flirt with me before, but then suddenly his behaviour changed. And I would no doubtly say he's way too better than him.

I walked towards the door, past him, when I heard something I would never want to hear.

"Erica! Wait!"


I uttered those words with difficulty.

What the hell did I do!?

Nonna eyes brightened up the second she heard me.

"Erica! I apologize...It's just that the room is very close to my heart. And I didn't.....!", She walked away before I could say anything.

I contemplated for a while.
What should I do now!?
Gathering strength over my guilt, I ran after her only to see her hastily keeping her bag in her car.

"Erica stop! Listen to me....!", I tried to say but she didn't stop her tasks.

Picking up her keys, she got in the car.
"Erica listen I am sorry!!", I said frantically only to get silence in return.

"Erica!", But she didn't stop.
She drove away like I will bite her.

I really don't deserve any love!


"I hope you liked the place bella!", The agent asked as he was going out of my new apartment.

"I did. Thank you.", I closed the door and leaned back on it.

Such an eventful day!

It was already night and almost six hours since I left the devil's den.

James and Jessica probably git to know for they have been calling me continuously.
I never disrespect them by not accepting their calls, but today I was not in the mood, to hear their apologies on behalf of their son.

I got in the room that still had stuff scattered all over. I need to arrange things properly.

I took my bathrobe and towel and went in the washroom to take a much needed shower.
When I came out, I wrapped myself in my bathrobe and thought I should grab something to eat.

Just when I was done arranging my chocolate bars and cold coffee on the couch, my doorbell rang.

Who could be here at this hour!?
It's almost 10 in the night.

I opened the door slightly to see the same person, I saw in the morning at my door.
My breath hitched!

Who gave him the address!?

Oh my goodness!

Just this time, one thing was different, he was smiling.

"Uh....", I tried to say but words betrayed me.

"I brought us food Erica!", He said his smile tracing the distance between his ears.

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