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True to his words, from the next day, he was the one to treat my marks. And surprisingly it didn't pain much. Since I didn't cry much, I wasn't kissed. Instead he would kiss me everywhere on my face when the burn was too much to bear and my face turned red.

Anyone seeing us from far would think we are in love. Especially him. The way he treats me.
There are times when I think I should tell him my past, as he now deserves to know that. But I don't want to disturb this subtleness between us.

"Are you ready Erica?", His voice breaks my thoughts.
"Yeah..I am coming.", We were going to Italy for two days as his family wants to celebrate his birthday there.
Thankfully, he doesn't have any problem with that.

We were in his private jet sitting opposite to each other. And like always he was reading some anthropology book and I was getting bored.

Fed up, I snatched his book, "What's so interesting in it?"
He frowned, "That's about human civilization."
I scowled, "You aren't reading any of this bullshit. Now tell me, what do you do on your birthdays?"
His birthday is tomorrow.

"Not much. It was David who organized everything. He would at times invite friends at some city club, or sometimes dinner at an exquisite restaurant, cutting cake and all that shit.", He smiled fondly.
"David is quite an important part of your life. Is he!?"
"Don't tell him I said this, but he is. Without him, I would have probably turned into a drug addict, or worse drowned into depression."
He had a distant look in his eyes, and as much as I wanted to know what caused it, I couldn't pry in his life.

I decided to change the topic, "So did you ever thank him?"
He made a face, "Sorry, Thankyou, and please are not in my vocabulary."
I smirked, "And you have used all three with me.."
He snorted, "Don't be proud Miss. Erica Miller."
Shifting a bit in his seat, he spoke up, "What are you going to gift me tomorrow?!"
"What would you like to have!?"
"You'll give me anything I ask for!?"
"Of course when it is something reasonable.", I clarified.
He smirked, "Oh it'll be."

I rolled my eyes and tried to take a nap.


"That wasn't anything reasonable to do!", David yelled from across the dinner table.
"Oh it was! You were going to cheat on her.", I retorted and Erica nodded in affirmation.
Nonna snickered, "You should keep it in your pants David! Venus is a good girl!"

"I know that Nonna but she's very hard to persuade. After three months, all I could do is make her do some civil talk with me."
I chuckled, "That's good. You deserved it. Now if you really want her, then don't cheat again."
He rolled his eyes and turned to his food.

"So boys! Who are you going to bring as your dates tomorrow.", Dad asked.
"Venus of course! She wouldn't have come, if it wasn't this asshole's birthday.", I smirked at him.
"And you Eric!?"
I turned to my left, "That isn't a question. Erica."
"Huh!?", She made a clueless face.
"You are going to be my date tomorrow.", I told her.
She scowled, "Sorry to burst your bubble boss! But Evans already 'requested' me to be his date."
My body temperature increased at his name.

"Assistant! You are going with me. Dump him, kill him do whatever.", And then an idea came, "Either you'll be my date or I won't attend the party."

Nonna and Mom visibly gasped, while David and Dad gave a throaty laugh.
God knows what is funny here!?

Erica glared at me for a while, but as soon as I smiled, her eyes softened.

Soon after her phone started ringing and she picked it up.
"Who's it?", I asked.
"Stephenson's. They wanted to get an appointment from you.", I nodded and she left with the phone.

When I turned back to have my food, I saw everyone looking at me. And by everyone, I mean the headmaid also.

"Um...No..Nothing!", And everyone got back to their work.

"Uh...Eric?", It was dad.
"You should be a bit more of a gentleman when you ask a girl to be your date."
"It was Erica. She is fine with my ways.", I answered.
"Hmm...I heard you tried to find about her past.", I looked at mom briefly, then Dad and nodded.
"Don't talk about that. She'll be upset of she hears."
Dad smiled at me, "Did you find that she wanted to become a singer?"

My actions halted at that very moment.
He nodded, "I heard her singing when she was small. But then she slowly suppressed it. And now she doesn't sing at all. Last time she was here, I forced her to learn piano so that would awaken her interest in music again. But I think it didn't work. You can persuade her, from what I see between the both of you now."

"How does she sing!?"
"More than beautiful!", And at that very second I felt an urge to hear her sing.

Now I know what I want for my birthday.

I was on the terrace, later that night.
Mom and Dad were gone to the main mansion, while I was in Nonna's. David went to Venus. And Erica went to her apartment. Everyone asked her to stay here, but she said she wants to check it out.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out only to see Erica calling.
It's late now. Why is she calling!?

"Erica!? You alright!?"
"Yes I am. Now do one thing. Just follow my instructions as I say."
"When do I do as you say!?", I checked the time, "And it's almost midnight. If you can't sleep, it doesn't mean I will play with you!"
She groaned in frustration, "Will you do it or not!?"
I sighed, "Okay tell!"

She chuckled and then began, "Go in the kitchen."
"Just go Eric! Don't question."
I came down and went in the kitchen. The house was dark because the help was already gone.
"I am in kitchen. What now!? Cook for you."
"I wish. But open the refrigerator.", I did as said.
"Do you see a red coloured box there?"
I looked up and down and there was indeed a red box.
I took it out, "Yeah I found it."
"Good. Now go back to your room and open it."
I sighed, "Erica I swear I am not liking this. That switching of roles is already over!"
"Are you doing it or not!?", She sneered.
"Geez...I will...Don't burn my phone with your anger."
I picked up the box and went in my room.

I set it on the coffee table and opened it only to find a cake in the shape of an angry bird. On it's forehead was written, "I am Eric Ashton."
And below that was written, "Happy 27th birthday to me."

And then I heard her soft voice sing, "Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Eric! Happy birthday to you...."
I looked up to find the time as 12 midnight.

A smile already adored my face.
She can always manage to do so.
"Seriously Erica!? Angry bird!?"

"Oh I went to buy one for you, and when I saw this one, it reminded me of you.", I could hear the playfulness in her voice, "Now make a wish and cut the cake."

I saw a knife attached to the box..
Picking it up, I cut the cake, "Oh vanilla. Very good."
I took a bite, "I wish you were here."
"Oh please boss! You can survive a day without me."
"I wish I could.", The words escaped my lips before I realized. And I slapped my forehead at my foolishness.

She went silent for few seconds. I decided to interrupt her thoughts, "By the way, I still have to make a wish!"
"Oh no! You do it before cutting the cake."
I chuckled, "You are the one who will grant my wish!"
"Yeah...I want a gift Erica. Tomorrow at the party."
I heard a little shuffling behind, "What it is!?"
"Will you do it for me!?"
"I told you if it's reasonable."
"It is reasonable.", I argued.
"Okay ask for it."

I took a deep breath, and then said it,
"I want you to sing for me."

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