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When I thought she must be bawling her eyes out crying, she was actually sitting in her bed, with files.

Okay if it comes to being a workaholic, then she's my serious competition.

I walked in, "Here, your coffee."
Like usual, she didn't throw a thank you at me, instead just took the cup, giving me a brief glance.

Taking some initiation on my own side, I sit down on the bed, across her, "What are you doing?"

"McGregor's presentation", was all she said.

We need it after four days, so there's nothing urgent.

"Uh...I am going out and I need company.", I resumed my stern voice, "And you're giving me company."

"I am busy. You can take Stephan.", Was the straight reply.

She started picking up her phone, when I snatched it away from her, "Who's the boss!?"

She sighed and frowned at me, "I'll get ready."


"Car is out."

"We are not going in car.", She frowned at my reply.

"Oh! Then let me call a helicopter your majesty.", She said sarcastically.

I ignored her, for the grin was coming back.

She's better when sarcastic, and worst with the tears.

I went further in the garage, and infused life to my bike.

Coming out, I gave her a helmet and she gave me a suspicious look, "You sure you can ride that thing."

"We both won't be killed. Now c'mon!"

She wore the helmet, and then hesitantly kept a hand on my shoulder.
Getting on the bike, I felt how she maintained a decent distance between us. But how to tell her, I am a fast rider.

Without saying anything, I started the bike and drove away.

I smirked when I heard her yelling, "Will you slowdown man!"

"Boss!! Have you lost it. Go slow!"

I was grinning now, "Hold tight assistant! I won't stop to pick you up if you fall."

And then I felt her one hand circling my waist, and another going round my shoulder.

It was her moment of surrender, but instead of feeling triumphant, I felt a tingling in my stomach.

"Where are we going!?", Her yelling broke my thoughts.

Even I didn't think about it, "It's a surprise!!!!", I yelled back..

Now I don't know where to take her.

It is still 10 in the morning and we can't be possibly riding throughout States.

Using some brain, I drove us to a diner in the Outskirts of the city.

It was less crowded, and I liked it the last time I came here with David.

"What's wrong with you Sir!? You broke all speed limits! That's not done.", Here the ranting starts.

I scratched my head disinterested, "Come I am hungry after hearing your screams all the way till here."

She scoffed at me, and we walked in.

Our steps were halted by a loud squeal, "Ahhhh we have customers! Oh my love! Such a sweet couple..."

We turned in the direction to find a short man running towards us, "Ahah! Welcome lovebirds! Please come in."

Then he leaned to me, "You want a bit private place boy!?", I turned to reply but no chance, "See I know it!"

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