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I woke up startled.
Again the same dream that left me sweating and panting.
It was still one in the night and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore.

I stood up from the bed and looked around and that's when realization dawned.
I slept here abruptly while I was just taking a momentarily rest.

My eyes widened at the thought of his presence in my apartment while I was sleeping.
I ran out of my bedroom, only to find the guestroom and rest of the apartment empty.

That means he left.

I don't know how I managed to sleep while he was here. I don't sleep when people are around. The fear that anyone may touch me while I am asleep prevent me. Some past memories are freshened just by the thoughts.

I shook my head and went back in.

He is very irritating when he wants to be. From 'i don't give a damn' man to 'i am at your feet', the transformation was drastic. Yet too drastic to believe.

I sat back on my bed and that's when my eyes fell on something unfamiliar near my pillow.

I picked it up only to find it a box wrapped in a simple blue cover.
It looked like a gift.

At the bottom right corner, was written in a small familiar writing.
"For you..
  - E.A."


Curiousity overwhelmed and so I opened the wrapper only to find it a box from Tiffany's.
My eyes widened at the sight.

When I opened the box, I found a beautiful yet elegant and simple wrist watch.

I then saw a note attached to the wrapper and immediately opened it to read.

I hope you liked the gift. It's a gesture of apology which I bought many days back. But when I intended to give it to you, you already left.
I am sorry for I hurt you physically in the morning. I was not in my senses. Your anger is completely justified.
I am also sorry for the past misbehavior of mine. I didn't mean any of it. I don't hate you. It's just I didn't want to work with anyone especially when dad chose that person.
Sorry again.
The ointment is in the drawer next to your bed.
I'll wait for you tomorrow/today at the party.
And also to come back to work.

Still Your Boss,
E. A.

Yeah! Your resignation letter is still not approved by me.(*I am smirking)"

I rolled my eyes at his apologetic yet arrogant letter.

And he hasn't approved my resignation letter yet!? If I am not wrong, it was him who forced me to quit by using silly tactics.

Still a smile adorned my face.
I can't believe a single man can be a source of both. My tears and my smile!?

I drift of to sleep hearing the faint tik-tok of the new wrist watch in my wrist.

When I wake up, I immediately get ready to go to wish James and Jessica.


I sit for the breakfast continuously receiving glares from the four pair of eyes on the breakfast table.

"Did Erica call you James!?", Nonna asked dad scowling at me.
"No Mom! I am worried... She's always the first one to wish us!", Dad said looking at the phone.
Mom spoke up, "Yeah! She speaks less but I love it when she does."

No one asked me if I am eating or not.
Okay...I realize they are upset from me but then atleast say it to me.

I didn't inform them of my visit to her place. Nor any of them forced me to go as I told Erica.
When I returned they thought I am back from a pub or some casual fuck.
Even Nonna.
And Erica says I am rude to them.

I began eating, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

As the door opened, in came Erica with a chocolate cake with two Js on the cake.
Mom and dad's anniversary cake.

I heard everyone gasp and getting out of their seats to hug her.
They settled on the dining table once the celebrations were on and I became rooted on my place, eating the oats before me.

It was chaos around me but no one nudged me.
As I finished my breakfast, I went to the terrace ignoring everyone, who were of course not bothered.

I sat their thinking about Evelyn.
My best companion.
The day she left the world, my life left me.
It takes me the effort of this world to smile.
I am working as the CEO for Nonna forced me.
It's not my fault I can't do celebrations. It's not my fault I don't wish my parent's. It's not my fault, I don't like people around.
I am not as fast as people around me, in moving on from the incident that took my life away.
Her angelic smile always brightened my day!
And it has been thirteen years that I have had this void in my life.
She was so small then. I was so small then.
I couldn't save her from death. And the resentment will continue to kill me. Everyday. Everyhour.

My thoughts were broken when someone pats on my shoulder.

I turn back and see Erica standing with a plate having a piece of cake on it.

I looked at her briefly when she said, "For you. You like chocolate as far as I know...."

"Who doesn't Erica!?", My voice came out monotonous.

"So eat it...", She gave me the plate placing a spoon which she pulled out from her pocket.

This girl is such a workaholic and resourceful!
Spoon in her pocket. Wow!
  - Sarcasm to be noted.

I took a bite settling the plate back on the table beside the grill.
"You make them happy!", I pointed out.

"They would have been happier if it was you who surprised them not me.", She said almost immediately.

I smiled a smile that didn't reach my eyes. And I saw she noticed it.

She looked around and then spoke up, "Why didn't you tell them you visited me yesterday and apologized? They are so upset when it's absolutely not needed. I had to sneak in here. And you even lied to me."

I looked at her amused, "I need to restart interrupting you because you talk quite alot!"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You didn't answer my question."

"I will not!", I said firmly, "Because I am your boss. It's not the reverse."

She moved back as if remembering something, "Yeah! About that! You know what you are a narcissist!"

I chuckled at her comment, "That means you're coming back to states with me."

She shook her head negatively, "I am searching for a better job. And a better boss!"

I nodded, "Inform me his address so I can make your 'better boss' a bankrupt!"

I expected a crude adjective instead she laughed.
"You want the world to revolve around you. But that world doesn't have me, Mr. Eric Ashton!"

"You got my point. The world revolving around me will have you as their leader, Ms. Erica Miller!", I reverted.

Her eyes narrowed again, "Make me!"

"A challenge!? You know I'll win."

"Yup!", She looked before us towards the endless sky, "a challenge!"

She moved back retreating to go, but stopped midway, smiling which I'll say mischievously!?
"I forgive you Ex-boss!"

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