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I saw her swallowing at the question.

"No!", A mere whisper was all I heard.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "We both know you're lying."

Her gaze met mine.
And at that moment I saw terror in her eyes. So much terror that I started regretting why I asked her the question.

But not even few seconds later, I saw transformation.
Her eyes turned cold.
And her posture became stern almost immediately.
She lost the softness and gave me a sharp look.

"Sir! This is my body. And I don't know how it concerns you. You saw them accidentally and you should forget them that easily. You're my boss and I don't find us too friendly to talk something so private about me."
With this, she walked away.


Private!? I shared your most private moments last night!

I am concerned damnit!


I glance at the happy people running along the length of the beach.
They all look so happy.

So light weight..

I see David playing water sport with some of the boys, younger than him.

However, I was on quite a isolated area of the beach. Of course I was in sight of David.
He asked me to stay here because he was concerned.

What actually bothered me was the sudden disappearance of my boss.

Okay he was pissed.

After his straight and blunt question, and my very crude reply, he didn't talk to me. Not at all.
And as much as I hate to admit, I was bothered by that.

I stood up and took a walk to a even scantier area of the beach, where I thought he must be. Because if David didn't force me, I would've been here too.

As I expected, I saw him there.

But in a way, I obviously didn't anticipate.

He was lying on his chair, shirtless.
A hat hiding his head and eyes, and one hand resting below his head and another on his stomach.

I didn't realize when or why my breath hitched.
He looked a perfectly sculpted roman statue.
He's an eye candy. Um for other women of course.
May be that's the reason he chose such a private area.

I went near, avoiding to look at the effect of his daily workout. Those abs.


He didn't respond.

I wonder if he's sleeping...

Just then his phone vibrates, that was kept on the side table, beside his shirt.

And he immediately picks it up.

Hmm..He isn't sleeping.

"Yeah....Prepare the jet Stephan....No I'll buy it....Yeah.. We'll just take a look...Tell nonna I'll return tomorrow. Yeah...", And then he kept it back.

I decided to try again, "Sir!?"

He didn't respond.

He was ignoring me.

"I am sorry!", I uttered in a small voice.

He didn't respond again.

I can't see his face, so there's no way I can interpret what is going on his mind. But I am sure I won't be able to do it even when I see his face.

His question was unsettling.
I can't bear to recall and tell anyone what caused these marks.
Only James, and Jess know.

Also I don't trust him as much as to share such a deep part of mine. I don't want him to see how vulnerable I was. And I of course don't want him to know what happened.
He will be disgusted. And then no matter how excellent I am, he won't let me work in a kilometer radius around him.
Not that it matters anyway, but yesterday I felt a strange sense of protection around him.
He may not speak it out, but his presence is enough.

"I can't tell you about these marks. But I am scared to show them publicly. That's why I wore this sundress.", I say with my eyes shut forcefully.

It was a truth. Half truth, yet truth.
And so it was difficult. Very difficult for me to say these three sentences.

I felt a finger poking on my forehead, and I opened my eyes to see my boss standing before me. His eyes on me. Studying me.

"I am fine if you don't want to tell me. I was just worried if they were from yesterday."

"They are not.", I mumbled remembering that incident again, "Instead they saved me...."

"Huh!?", Oh man! Another question. Why do I lose control on my speech!?

"Hmm...", I think I can tell him, "...He was so disgusted after seeing them, he left me on the road."
I turned away to face the sea.

I walked to the chair beside his and sat there, trying to remove my focus from this.

"It's either you lose, or you get scars Erica. You should be proud of them.", I heard him say this.
And it literally caught my breath...

When I looked in his direction, he was already looking away.

As if he himself didn't expect he'll say those words to me.

The scars on my body, are a proof of how much I have suffered. I was ashamed of them, but gradually became used to it.
But can those proof of sufferings become the proof of strength!?
Should I be proud of them..!?

A smile made its way on my lips. I have never thought about these marks in an other way.

David came running in our direction, "Guys! I got this hot girl by the beach side...And I assure you she'll keep me on bed for quite a lot time now. So bye both of you...And yeah Eric...Drop Erica back home."
He said and before I could protest, my boss responded in a yes.

And then we saw David going to a almost naked girl.
"He's cheating on Venus!", I pointed out.

The one beside me chuckled, "He thinks Venus is just like another girl, who'll run after him even when he'll be with others. Little did he know that he is hurting her brutally."

I was alarmed at once, "We should stop him. He'll regret."

"He would stop now, but he won't stop his Casanova ways unless he realizes the damage he does. I am going to send Venus behind him."

My eyes widened, "Oh no that's wrong. He's your best friend."

"Yeah! That's why I am doing this.", And then he typed something on his phone probably a text to Venus.

I was gaping all the time he pulled this stunt.
Ofcourse he wasn't wrong, but his way was.
David will get a hard time this way.

"Why you are like this!?", I asked.

"Like what....!?", He glanced briefly in my direction.

"Like so cold. Your approach is so rude and harsh. Always."

I anticipated his yelling for I accused him, instead he just smirked, "That's what I am Erica..."

We stayed there for an hour, when suddenly his phone started beeping.
"Yeah...", As always no greetings.
"Damn that man...He wants the project so soon. You didn't tell him I am on leave. Nonna will kill me if I tell her I have to leave. Okay I'll email you the project."

He hung up, "Erica we need to leave. I have to prepare that Project of Namibia. The investor wants it tonight. And I have just four hours."

I nodded and stood up, "Um...I can help you. I have done my research on that Project."

I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his face, "Okay. Come. You'll have to stay the night at Nonna's."

I hesitantly nodded. And we left the beach.

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