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It's been an hour since he left, and from then I am wondering what he must be doing now.
My mind cringing at the possible images.

I tossed and turned in my bed, but sleep was nowhere.
Hard to admit, but since the night I was almost assaulted, I couldn't sleep properly.

There in Italy, Jess didn't allow me to stay alone at my apartment at night, because she knew when I am alone, I start thinking quite hazardous.
And that is what results into my nightmares.


"Sir please come in.", I stood up and entered the doctor's cabin after the nurse directed.

"Hello Mr. Ashton!", And I just returned a Curt nod.
He was young probably in his late twenties, and smiling like a madman. But as far as my research is concerned, he was the best in his work.

"What is the patient's name!?"
"Erica Miller."
"Where is she!?"
"Not here!"
He gasped, "Then how I am going to treat her!"

I sighed, "Doctor, her case is a bit different and so before bringing her, I first need to explain the situation to you."

"Who are you to her!? Her brother!?", I cursed him as the words escaped his mouth.

"Just because our names are twins, you think we are siblings. Damnit! She's my....."

Will assistant be appropriate to tell when I am here to discuss such a intimate thing about her!?
Would they imagine a kink relationship of boss and assistant!?
Yeah of course! Otherwise what boss knows his assistant has marks on her chest and necks.

"... Girlfriend!", He nodded a bit lowly.

I swear he's among those doctors who try to hit on their patients. Bastard!

"So what is her problem and what can I do!?"

"Doctor it is not a normal skin issue. She has some marks from the past, about which you're not going to ask. The marks are almost ten years old, and she is quite insecure because of them. I want you to stay silent when she comes, and treat her like its pretty normal for you. You're not going to ask her questions. Just do the treatment by provinding medical aid."

"Mr. Ashton? Is it a police case!?", I rubbed my forehead in frustration.
"No it is not. Whatever case it was, it is over. Now my main concern is removing those marks from her body. And the same should be yours."

He nodded, "Okay I am ready. Just bring her the next time."

"Keep my instructions in mind. And if it takes extra effort, I am ready to pay extra.", I said standing up.

"Let me see the patient first.", And then he winked at me.

I kept my hands on the table and glared at him, "Keep your jerk side inside you when she comes. Because I AM HER MAN! And you should get the fact straight in your head!"

When I came out of the cabin, I breathed hard.
If only this man was not the best.

It was already late night.
I drove back to the penthouse, hoping the result from this visit will be fine.
Now I have to persuade Erica to come with me.

When i reached the penthouse, I went to her room but just at the door, I abruptly stopped.

Whar the hell am I doing!?

I blinked my eyes few times and realization dawned upon me.

Am I getting attached!?

Her door was ajar and I saw her sleeping peacefully in the middle of her bed.
Her wavy brown hairs sprawled over the pillow, and her hands resting on her stomach.

No No No!
I don't have to feel affection and care for anyone.
Let everyone go to hell!
I will get attached, create a habit, hate to lose and then they'll leave.

That's what happened with Eve, Mom and Dad.
They will extract their own share of benefits from me, and when I will need them, I will have none.

I came out of the room with a jerk, like a bucket of ice was dumped on me.


"Sir I called Nonna and she told me you like this soup with more vegetables. And so here it is.", I kept a bowl in front of him.

Unusual to his behavior, he neither smiled, nor gave any other reaction.

"About your schedule: you have three meetings today, and have to attend a lunch with Peterson's. Then in the evening we'll go for locations examining."
No reply again.

I sat across him and began having my breakfast.

Once done, we left the house, and came downstairs where Stephan bowed and we took off to office.

I was in my office and wondering what suddenly happened, when my office phone beeped.
"Erica Miller here!"

"Hey Erica! This is Julia!", I scoffed hearing her name.
"Yes Miss, What can I do for you!?"
"Uh! Forward my call to Eric!"
"I am sorry but Sir is in a meeting. And I can't disturb him."

I heard her grunting, "Oh please! Forward my call! Now!"
I rolled my eyes, "If you are so desperate to talk to him, then make a call on his personal number."

I was about to hang up when she said, "Okay fine! But tell him that I am missing him. I have arrived in States this morning and we can meet up. It's been days since I have seen that handsome man!"

I gulped the lump in my throat.

He lied to me yesterday!!
I was not able to digest this piece of information. And it kept on nagging in my head until his meeting ended.

Once it did, I went in his cabin, in a not-so-calm way.
"Sir! Julia called. She has arrived in States today morning and wants to meet up with you."
He looked at me lifting his head from the file in his hand.
His eyes were widened.

Yes Man! You're caught!

"Tell her I am busy.", First sentence he spoke to me today, before going back to the file in his hand.

No remorse!

I stood there for may be hours, but in reality it was just two minutes.
And then for the sake of the time, we spent smiling and comforting each other, I spoke up in a low tone, "You lied to me!"

He didn't look up for few seconds but when he did his eyes were cold and angry, "Yes I did. But who are you to confront me on that!? My mother!? My nanny!? You're a PA so don't forget your place."

And the asshole Ashton was back!
We were back to square one.

My eyes stung, but I managed to put up a cold facade, "Oh yes of course! I'll remember my place.", and with that I left his cabin.

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