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I scurry down in haste as I hear her coming in.

She sees me and raises her brow, "I hope you didn't burn Nonna's kitchen down?"

"Nice to see you too Miller!", I comment cockily.

She shakes her head, trying to stop herself from smiling. I take it as a chance and move forward to engulf her in my arms.

Time for a proper apology, Ashton.

She tries to wiggle out of my arms, but I cage her tight.
"Don't try to go away. You know I spent all those hours working out for some reason. Including this."

"What are you trying to do!? Ordering me to keep my self respect aside, so I could be all girlfriend-girlfriend to you?"

Stubborn woman.

"Listen here, you grumpy cat! I am sorry for my behaviour. You know I get all defensive when things go out of hand. I am trying to be better than this, and I know I'll get there, with you by my side. I have been a shit all through my life. It will take me time to be your perfect man, but I'm determined."

My words soften her eyes and she slowly pulls  out her arms from between us, and cupped my cheeks, "If you have been shit, you should know I love this shit. But if my anger sends some sense in your head, I will do it everytime. Now I am going to kiss this shit, and he better reciprocate.", and with that, she captured my lips in hers.

I swear this woman makes me fall in love with her, like everytime I look at her. She always gets me on the right way. And that's what every man wishes for, including me.


"Can I know where you were?", I asked again hoping she'll answer as we are on good terms now.

She quirks her brow, "Google the word 'surprise'."

"Please Erica!!!!", I whine.

"Oh Eric! The soup is so tasty!!", She moans taking a spoonful of it. I sigh defeated but as a result, she grins wide. Some string tugs hard inside me.

What if she sees that letter from her mother?
Hundreds of questions were popping in my mind.

She never ever mentioned her mother or father. Was her relationship with them that bad?
As far as I know, she is very forgiving. Then what could have happened that resulted in this.

Well, I was sure Mom and Dad had answers to everything, but I am never getting anything without her approval.

On top of everything, my prior concern was that her mother is dying and she is completely unaware of that.

I felt a hand on mine, "Eric!? What are you thinking?"
I shook my head, "No nothing.."


Later that night, as I held her close on my bed, those thoughts again occupied my mind. She was using her phone when I tightened my hold on her.

"I can't breath Eric!", She said chuckling.

I loosened my hold, took away her phone and turned her, so she was facing me now.

I have to ask her.

"I want to give you a nickname!", I said formulating a plan in my mind.

She looked at me curiously, "You sure you are not ill.."

"No I am not...I just want to do some couple shit... because I know you like it!", I said in a light tone.

"Okay...let's see what you have in store.", She was staring at me with love.

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