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My body stiffed at his words.
And my brain went in a frenzy!
Sleep with him....like really!? Will I be able to take the torture he would unconsciously do to my little heart.

He is inviting me to fall, and when I do he will not be there to pick me up!

I stood up immediately.
No! I can't do that!
The massacre has already been done! Then why to spoil more!?

I came to the door and gently opened it to move out, and then suddenly his words rang in my ears, "Sleep with me Erica!"

I am being selfish! Even when I know how much he needs me, I don't have the courage to give him that. Why!? Just because this petty excuse of heart, which he already owns like his.
My body refused to move out of his room and before I know, I was getting on his bed, under his duvet.

His freshly showered hair had a beautiful smell lingering in the air. I maintained a decent distance between us and slept while tracing his facial curves with my eyes.

My eyes opened abruptly when I heard a loud crash!

"Eric!", His name was the first that came in my mind. I looked beside me only to find him covered in sweat, his head in his hands and knees bent painfully.

I sat up immediately, and hugged him, "Eric! What happened!?"
He didn't answer me. Instead he looked up at me with a baffled expression, "I_I had a nightmare!"

"Calm down!", I picked up the glass of water on my side of bed and gave him.
He gulped the water down as if he was in dire need of it. He was sweating profusely.

Giving me the glass, he suddenly removed the t-shirt he was wearing, leaving himself in nothing but a vest. His tattoos starting to tease me.

I looked up at his face like a decent girl should..

"Lie down Eric! Let me reduce the temperature!", I adjusted the air temperature and he laid down.
I lie beside him maintaining the same distance.
He looked at me as if trying to say something.

"What!?", I raised my eyebrow at him.
"What is the use of your sleeping with me when I still have nightmares!?"
It was my turn to be baffled, "Eric...how can I!?"
"Yes you can!"

The next thing I know is him shifting to my side, completely killing the space between us. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead before wrapping his arms around me, "Now it's fine."

Our heads were resting almost jointed, "What did you dream!?"
"Same old shit!", He closed his eyes.

My fascination finally overtook my decency and I turned in his arms, so I can look at his tattoos, shining in the moonlight.

I came face to face with a few set of numbers and ran my finger over it, "That is Eve's birthdate!"
And then my eyes trailed over to the big E written in the centre of his large tattoo.
"Your initial!", I pointed out.

"Hmm! All important people in my life have their initial as E!", I finger halted as my throat constrict.

All!? It's just Eve and him!? Was he mentioning...!?

"You and Eve.", I said before I could stop myself.
"Nonna's name is Evangeline!", He explained and my heart dropped.
I thought it is...
God Erica!? Help yourself!

"But now since you too have E as your initial, I would not have to get a tattoo of your name!", That shook me!
Oh damn! I think I will go insane soon.

"Why would you ink my name!? You should have David's name. He's your best friend. Your parents!"

He took hold of my finger and kept it above his heart, "You'll see a D and a J here! And why shouldn't I get a tattoo of your name? You're my best friend. You are annoying but I can take it."

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