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"Nonna I can't believe, I did it without him. Your suggestion was very good!", I told her excited.

She nodded proudly, "I knew his eyes have a magic. And the way you stared at them, on that portrait.", She chuckled making me blush, "I didn't want you to spoil the surprise, you planned."

"But Nonna he is a jerk! He yells at me for something and then does the same thing I said. You know why I am so happy today? James and Jessica were literally squealing like girls when they called me before the jet took off. I am proud of him that he kept everything aside and thought about them. But I am pissed off too, and I am not going to be easy!"

She shook her head, "No no! Don't be. He must not take you for granted because you melt easily because of his tactics. I have been his victim once. I know him. When he was still a kid, and did something outrageous, I used to get angry. He would then show me his glossy eyes, pout, frown, refuse to eat, sulk in the corners and do things to make me feel guilty about being angry on him. His grandfather pampered him alot!"

I laughed imagining him. Well, I didn't have to imagine much because he is still the same.

"You know what..", she was about to say something but stopped when she looked behind me, "..here you go!"

I didn't have to turn to know who is it.

The next thing I know is being kissed on my cheek as he hugged me from back. My cheeks turned red on his public display of affection. But may be he doesn't consider nonna as public.

I remained stiff, refusing to give in.

He came in front and kissed nonna on her forehead, "Both my girls bitching about me first thing in the morning!?"

I rolled my eyes while nonna scoffed, "We have better men to talk about Eric!"

He laid down on the couch keeping his head on her lap, while his legs on mine. He thinks I will give him a foot massage.

Fuck off asshole!

"Why are you keeping your legs on her!? Don't be a  crude man Eric! I taught you better!", Nonna commented angrily.

He rolled his eyes, "Nonna! We do it always!"

When he noticed I am not massaging his legs, he nudged my stomach with his toe, signalling me to do so..

Nonna stood up, "You should be a little hard on him Erica. He takes you very lightly all the time!", and with that she went away.

He scrunched his eyebrows and sat up immediately, "Nonna told you to be hard on me!? That's why you are not talking to me? Am I right?"

I looked at him warily, "You say as if nonna is not aware of your doings!"

"She is. She is. But you tell what should I do to correct my doing?"

I looked away, "nothing!"

"Erica please! I can prepone our date...or better let's go somewhere today...we won't be working."

That perked my attention, "Sorry! But I have some personal work."

"Personal as in?", He prompted.

Should I tell him!? No! My whole surprise will be destroyed. I know my anger will not sustain for long. Heck! I am not even angry on him right now, but I need to show him some attitude, so next time he knows to never talk like that to me.

"Some girl stuff!"

He came before me, "Girl stuff!? What girl stuff? You are on periods? Last time I remember, your date is on 15th of the month!"

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