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"Fine sir! I'll stand.", I say before disconnecting Sir James call.

He called me to check on his son, because his son isn't picking up his phone.

It was lunch time, and thus, a lady over forty, came with a bag of lunch.
"Madam please stand there while he eats. Otherwise he won't finish it.", The lady repeats what sir James said.

Now I have to babysit this twenty six years old man!

I took the bag and knocked on the door.
As usual, no reply.
I went in and without making much noise I served his food.

"Sir..The food is...", Interruption again.
"I know."

Yeah! There's nothing in this world you don't know.

I sighed quietly, and stood beside the sofa.

Now seeing the food before me, I realized how hungry I was. But the new schedule that my brand new boss planned left me no time to have lunch.

Just as the clock struck two, he stood up and removed his blazer.
I didn't see in his direction but realized it by his movements.
He came forward and took a place on the couch, and rolled up his sleeves.

According to sir James, his son can't eat without company. And here I am providing him company by standing like a robot.
And he is such a inconsiderate man, that he won't ask me to sit.
My legs are paining now.

Later that day, the internal affairs meeting began, and I sat down beside him to note the instructions he gives.
The office corporates started giving their presentations, all with a scared expression, very intimidated by him.
However, he was silent all through.

When everyone finished, and it was his turn to say something, he finally said.

And what he said, needs a big round of applause.

He said, "Meeting dismissed."

All shocked, but somehow went out.
And it was just me and him left in the meeting room.

I thought he would walk out like always and so I started wrapping my things.

But then I heard something.
"Install CCTV in everyone's office."
Exasperated, I started noting it down hastily.
"Increase two hours of work. Payment will be increased. Change these bright lights. Seventh floor will be a no entry zone. Transfer all important files to my cabin. And everything should be done by tomorrow."

My mouth gaped open, while he stood and went away.

He thinks I am a robot!?

It was the longest he spoke, and it turned out disastrous for me. God! What I have got myself into.

I sighed and went to prepare a coffee for me and him, and then begin with the work.

Now I was doing his schedule, this extra work, and yeah keeping up with his attitude all at once.

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