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I stood behind very ecstatic and nervous looking David.
I could feel how jittery he was, as if afraid Venus will run away.

"She won't run away David. You may be a dickhead but Venus is equally insane to love you...", He scowled at my comment and looked back towards the aisle, where any moment his bride would come.

I swear it was a struggle to bring him here, because he wanted everything per-fucking-fect. So much, that he wanted his blazer to be changed at the last minute.

I had to punch him in the guts, to bring him back to senses. We had a physical fight over this, when finally Erica intervened lashing at us on how we will look like pigs on the altar.

I glanced at her as she stood holding a flower bouquet in her hand, wearing her bridesmaid dress. At that very moment, Venus came with her foster father, and I stepped back from the altar, giving them space to get hitched.

I came to stand beside her, and took her hand in mine. I failed to get the attention because she was too busy in looking at the couple. She's very girlish when it comes to wedding, dates, and relationship. And as much as I hated those concepts, with her I always have to give up.

My dear friend got hitched finally, and I took a sigh of relief. It is not an easy task to get David married without creating a fuss about everything.

"They look so beautiful!", I heard her.

I hummed, "Venus looks good. He still looks like a rotten egg."

"Grow up Eric!", She narrowed her eyes at me, "David is a married man now! He will soon have babies. You can't disrespect him before them. Get used to it..."

That would be disastrous!
"No!!! Instead I will teach them 1001 ways to tell their father to 'fuck off!' They will address him as Dickhead! And not daddy!"

"And what makes you think David would not return your favour?!?", She asked folding her hands and looking up at me.

"He won't. My babies won't give him a fuck!"

She rolled her eyes and huffed, "You are useless! I am going to congratulate them...if you are decent enough, which I know you aren't, then follow me!"

"Hey! I didn't ask them to marry! And what is there to congratulate!?", I followed her through the crowd.

I groaned when I saw her hugging David. I had to go and pull her out of his monstrous hold.

"Congratulations David! I am so happy for you...", He grinned back at her, but rolled his eyes when looked at me. I feel like an unwanted here.

"Venus! Take care of yourself!", I said amused pointing at him.
She chuckled and nodded in my direction.

"Uh_Eric the gift!?"

"Oh yes..", I fetched a envelope from my blazer, "Here, a honeymoon for both of you, in Indonesia. Erica has planned everything...you both just have to leave after the reception. The jet is being prepared...", I told them nonchalantly.

To my extreme displeasure, David came and pulled my cheeks, "Aawwiiee my best friend wants to become an uncle! I am glad you didn't plan it. Who knows what hell you would have put in that!?"

"I have paid!", I told him.

He smirked, "As if I care!"

He then turned to Erica, "I love you little one! You're the best!", he kissed her cheeks while looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

From the time, I have confessed everything to him, he made sure to tease me like this. Dumbass!

"Now get the hell out of here!", I said after separating him from her.

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