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"Stephyyyyy! Hennnnn!! Dinner's ready!!", David shrieked out loud even when they were just next room.

Both the men came out groaning in unison.

I giggled while sitting on the dinning table.
"Here!", I heard Eric to see him offering me a spoon of chicken soup.
I rolled my eyes, "I can eat Eric! My hands are working!"
He glared at me, and begrudgingly I had to take it.

Not that I wasn't loving how he was caring for me, it's just we have people around us, and I don't want to be embarrassed at the end, when he declares we are just friends.
I also woke up in his bed. That's enough of assumptions one can make.

Also, he was eerily quiet. I don't know what was bothering him.
Everyone settled around us, and I was glad to have so many people around me. And they all are family.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot Erica!?", David asked taking a seat beside me.
I sighed, "I have never had so many people caring about me, all at once!"

"We not only care about you Erica! We really love you! You are our family!!", Venus said and everyone nodded in affirmation.

"Erica! I want you to take some days off from the work.", Eric said breaking the silence as everyone ate.
"Oh C'mon Eric! I am alright now!"
"I second him Erica! You need rest...!"
"No David...!"
"Ok then I work from home! And you will be fired if you deny my order!", I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg from under the table.
"Go to hell boss!"
"Gladly assistant...but you'll be accompanying me in this meeting also!", He said pointing his spoon at me.

I should scowl at him, instead I start drooling on how charming this man can get! God save me please!
I never knew I have a fetish for possessive, arrogant and dominant men! Specially the one beside me.


"Sleep in my room Erica! I will take care of you...", He said while preparing the bed!

"Eric I have been sleeping whole day, please let me go down, and sit with Venus and David!"

"No means no!", He said while filling a glass of water!

I scowled at him and grumbled, "I shouldn't have woken up! It was better I remained unconscious!"

His head snapped in my direction, "You're not going to say that again! Do you even know what I felt when you were lying there unconscious! My heart stopped beating for god sake Erica!"

I was speechless but my heart was jumping.

He looked away with a troubled face.

"I am sorry Eric! I..I...!"

"You can sit downstairs but you are only going to relax and not stress out. If you even think about any bullshit, I will.... "

I interrupted, "...you will fire me!"

He smirked vaguely and then looked at me, "Go before I tie you on this bed!"

I got down the bed immediately and started to walk away, when he held my hand.
He stood up and came to my level.

"I am sorry for this! But I need it!", And the next thing I know is his lips on mine.


Me, Venus and David were sitting in the dinning room. Stephan and Henry went in their rooms, on the floor below, as I was fine now.

Eric was in his study, from the last three hours doing god knows what. He was a little shook probably, and David told me to give him some time.
He was genuinely worried about me.
David said he was very stressed when they came.

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