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I was sitting silently in the corridor while David and Eric made calls one after the other. The two were furiously yelling orders at whoever they wanted to harass at this hour of the morning.

An old nurse came out of nowhere and glared at the two to keep their volumes down, or leave the hospital. She smiled gently at me, and told them to look at me for examples.

Grumbling to themselves and cursing under their breath, both of them sat on the either side of me.

Apparently, mother stopped responding in the last section of the operation. The doctors panicked about it and called us down. They had to halt the operation for a while and monitor her vitals. She was probably drifting to a coma.

That is why they were trying to contact all the doctors so they could to join the team that was already working inside.

It's been three hours since we received that news. Now the doctors were still operating while we had to sit here and wait.

I felt presence of other men, and looked up to see Henry and Stephen.
"Have this coffee Erica. You'll feel better..", he brought coffee for all of us.

I gladly accepted it because I needed something to focus.

"Erica you alright?", I heard David and nodded at him, "Am good.."

"Why don't you go to the suite while we wait here?", Eric suggested.

I shook my head, "I won't be sleeping now anyways."

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, "You don't want to admit it out aloud but you are as terrified as us. Just know, that if she makes it, it will be because of you.."

"Hmm..", I heard David, "..she didn't want this treatment Erica, but the only prospect that living will give her time to mend your relationship is all what has given her a hope of life."

I looked down at my entangled fingers. I have to figure out things before my mother wakes up. A part of me resents her for the life I have endured, but another part also wants to keep this all behind.

It's hard both ways, but I will have to strengthen myself to face it..


We look up alert as the team of the doctors come out of the room discussing among themselves.

My heart thumped loudly inside my chest.
James and Jess are already here.

Eric stood up hastily followed by David.
One of the doctors who Eric scared the life of initially, shifted uncomfortably.

Another doctor whose name was apparently  Brian Colton came forward and gave Eric a nod. The other doctors walked away while he came towards us.
"So Mr. Ashton? Mr. Wellington? Is she the patient's relative?"

He asked because ofcourse they don't share details to strangers.

"She's Erica Miller. Ms. Embrey's daughter.", He answered anxiously, "But what about the operation doctor?"

"It went well. After the initial complications, we had to transfuse some blood in her system, and when we got the ideal results, we resumed our work. Though, she's in an induced coma right now, and would remain so for another twenty four hours. We'll still keep her in an ICU for close monitoring, and then shift her to the suite. I cannot say she is absolutely fine, because it is cancer we are talking about. But I can assure you we have extended her life.", He gave us a tight lipped smile and went away.

After a long night, we finally breathed in relief.

David went to inform James and Jessica who were in the waiting room, while Eric stayed back rubbing his face off tiredness.

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