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Nonna's flight was to land at eleven. And being the woman she is, she'll destroy whole airport if she doesn't find me as soon as she lands.

I looked at my wrist watch and found the time as ten.
My brown haired PA hasn't arrived today.

Stephen dropped my breakfast and the two men stood beside me as I ate, but I didn't ask about her.
Neither they said anything.
I don't want anyone to think I care..

At last when it was time to leave, I finally said, "Pick up Erica, and then we'll go to the airport."

The two looked at each other contemplating on what to say.
"What!?", I asked them while wearing my jacket.
"Sir she has severe fever and cold. Last night, we had to call a doctor for her."

"Why was I not informed before!?", I asked outraged.
"She said she emailed you a leave application.", He said and I hastily picked up my mac-book and checked it.

There it was.

Dear Mr.Aston,
With great apologies, I would like to inform you that I am suffering from high fever and cold. Hence, I will not be able to attend work today.
You could deduct the payment from my pay check.
Thank you,
Erica Miller, PA to Mr. Eric Ashton.

What is this!?

She could have simply texted or called me.
"C'mon let's leave.", I growled and left to receive nonna.

I heard squealing from behind me, and a smile crept on my lips.
She's here!

"Oh my baby!", She gave me a bone crushing hug and then moved back to kiss my forehead.
"I am not a baby nonna!", I whisper-yelled only to get a smack in return, "You're my baby even when you'll become an old man."

After squeezing the hell out of me, she looked over my shoulder to see the two men standing behind me.
"Who are they!?"
"Nonna they are Stephan and Henry, my bodyguards."
They greeted them and she patted their shoulder, "Thanks for protecting my baby."

They wanted to laugh but controlled anyhow because I was still alive.

"Nonna let's go to my penthouse!", I said and took her to the car.

On the way home, she kept on asking me if I am eating properly, sleeping properly etc.

All these years, when I never came back to my parents even during vacations, I used to live with nonna. The best part with nonna is that she understood me always which even my parents couldn't do.
She lives in Italy at the mansion, where my grandfather lived before his death. A few kilometres from where my parents live now.
Her love for me never faded. And I don't think it'll ever do.

We were soon out of the car standing before the hotel, owned by Ashton's where my penthouse is.
As soon as we entered, everyone started greeting her.

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