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Believe me! Everytime her lips make a contact with me, she takes my breath away. Not that she can't in a normal circumstance, but kissing is just another story.
I tightened my hold around her, but that only increased the passion in our kiss.

She backed a little and I knew she's breathless. I looked into her eyes to see them glistening with emotions.
"Erica....", I uttered in a hoarse voice.
She shook her head and a tear dropped from her eye, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
My heart skipped several beats at that declaration.

"It's been ten years Eric. I could never sing since I ran from that place. The memories haunted me.", She sobbed.

"Shh! I am here. No harm will reach you. And I will make sure you sing as much as you want.  You have the most beautiful voice."
I wiped her tears, and embraced her until she calmed down.
Once back to her normal self, she stood straight and took few breaths, "C'mon Eric let's go...you have to cut your cake."
I was amused but who can dare deny her.


He stood in the middle with nonna and David beside him. James and Jessica too stood beside him. But damn this man! He was still talking on phone with the Stephenson's.

I stood across them, a little away so they can have a family moment, they very much need and deserve.

"Hey Erica?", I turned on hearing a familiar voice.
"Evans! Hey!", I forwarded and hugged him.
He looked at me up and down, "You look beautiful!"
"Thank you!", I smiled at him.
"When you refused yesterday, I thought may be you won't come."
That asshole!
"No at the last moment, Eric wanted me to accompany him, and he is quite stubborn..."
He smiled in a strange way, "Hmm...I see you shifted from 'sir' to 'Eric'."

"Hmm Yeah! I did."
Just then u felt a hand on my waist. I would have jumped in horror if I didn't recognize his familiar cologne.

"Erica! I am going to cut the cake. Come!"
He ignored Evans completely.
"Uh..Eric it's a family moment....", He raised his eyebrow as if questioning.
"So!? What are you!?...", He then dragged me away from Evans, who was looking at us knowingly, "...Erica let's get over with this... and then we're going back."

"It's your birthday!", I glared at him.
"...and I want it to do something that I like... Is it not fair!?", I rolled my eyes.

David welcomed me and I stood between the two.
"He would never cut his cake without you Eri!"
I looked at James and he smiled fondly at me, signalling me to proceed.

"Blow the candles and wish for something Eric."
"Yeah! Again!"
He mumbled something under his breath and then blew off all the twenty seven candles.

Everyone clapped around us, but I heard him mumble, "Yeah! I am what!? Two?"
I squeezed his hand so he can behave and thus like that he cut the cake.
Feeding Nonna, he turned to me, when I signalled him to feed his mother. Hesitantly, he went to Jessica and I could see that even Jessica didn't expect that. Her eyes were already on the verge of tears.
James hugged him, and I simply melted seeing the father-son moment. I wish I also had a father like James.
This is an adorable family. God knows what went wrong.

"Will you eat it now, my majesty!?", I glared at him while David chuckled.
He had to go to receive gifts from the guests and I could see a permanent scowl on his face as he did so.

"So what's going on between you two!?", David asked me out of the blue.
"Oh please don't act innocent girl! I can see the elephant size change in Eric, and how you both are so much into each other."
I gasped, "David you are misunderstanding! It's nothing like that. We both have just made peace with each other."
Well, that was sort of an understatement.

"Suit yourself Erica! I can see how much...", He finger qouted, "peace you both have made."
"Don't make assumptions!", I said uncomfortably.
"Well! I won't be shocked if next time you come Italy with two kids running around you both!", I punched his hand, "Shut up!", although my cheeks were completely red.

"...whose kids running around!?", I heard him come from behind us.
Go to hell David!

David smirked at me, "...just few brown haired kids with blue green eyes...", I glared at him, "...one of my colleague recently had twins. They are adorable!"

" I don't know how you all find kids adorable!", Eric rolled his eyes, "By the way, Erica! I am done...let's leave!"

"Leave!? Where are you both going!?", David asked with that smirk.
Before I could answer, "David! We both are going to Erica's place. I have told dad. And he said it doesn't matter."

"Erica's place! Hmm...I see! Well then I'll see you both in morning!", He winked at me, "Have a good night!"

With that, I was dragged out of the venue.
I swear all this dragging would tire me one day.

"You should watch your mouth Eric!", I seethed at him.
He opened his car and we got in, "What now?"
"How can you announce everywhere that you want to spend your night at my place? They make weird assumptions."

"What assumptions!?"

"Are you not too innocent Mr. Eric Ashton!"

He shook his head, "Oh yes I am! And about assumptions, let them think. Why do we even care?"

"Eric they are family!", I said exasperated.

"Erica they are! But they don't get in between us, because they know you are my safe zone, and I feel sane around you. It's beneficial for me. Take it easy, and you'll be fine. I am not that bad to survive with.", I looked at him as he said this.
His eyes were the sincerest ones I ever saw. And it gave me an assurance that it will be fine. We will be fine.


"Erica! I have ordered some pasta for you. You want something more!?", He yelled from the dining room.
"I want a pizza also!", I yelled back while removing my dress.
"You see you eat like a pig!", I rolled my eyes at his comment.

Wearing a slip, I opened my room's door, "Eric I am done."
He came in already changed and picked up the ointment, "I see the marks have lost their dark colour."
"Yeah...they did. And now it doesn't even burn much."
"When I searched, I knew that doctor is one of the bests in States. A pervert bastard yet tolerable enough."

"Tell me one human you like Eric!", I removed my hair so he could apply it on my back, "Today at the party, you insulted almost everyone. That's not good Eric!"

"Ok mother! I will reduce the number the next time.", I smiled at him, and he just smirked back through the mirror.

"You want to know the only human I like!?", I heard him say as he finished the application.

"Ah! There is one! Tell me who!?"

"Isn't it obvious Erica!", He turned me around, and pecked on my lips, "You!"

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