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"Mr. Ashton! We will love if Mr. Wellington does some changes to the architecture...you see it was a years old legacy and we love the Brazilian culture it incorporated. Your plan can definitely make it more modern but we would rather not lose the vibe of South America.", The old man tried to reason.

I sighed to myself and nodded, "Let me see what David can do. By then please take a break, we shall continue after ten minutes."

As I left the conference hall, and went straight to the room, I couldn't help but hold my head.

I called David immediately because I wanted to finalize this today itself.

"Already missing your first love!?", I hear his voice and roll my eyes.

"Missing my ass. This Mr. Russell has some problem with the ground plan your prepared, they want some little changes to it."

He contemplated for a while, "Well I have two more prototypes... should I send them..?"

"No! They have strange demands...join me with a video call."

"But..Eric..!", I hear him so to me, but then I hear him a little distant, "Hey girls! Wait for me. I need to attend this. Ya...Eric...let's finish it fast."


"So I hope Mr. Russell, that my prototype and Eric's construction strategy is fine with you...is it!?"

The man nodded smiling at both of us..while David was beside me in the laptop, "You both make a great team...it will be a pleasure working with you both."

"Thank you very much sir!", he said, "Me and Eric shall soon visit Brazil to supervise the work on ground."

After three long hours, we finally made something that would satisfy the demanding old man. I escorted him out of the conference room and came back to see David yawning.

"Long day huh!?", I asked sarcastically. He's staying at home chilling while I am working my ass off.

He rolled his eyes, taking a sip from a cup.
I crave for a coffee now.

"Not a long day, but this was the worst way of ending it..."

"Huh!? Tell me about it? I am dying here..."

"Oh C'mon Eric! No CEO whines like you do..."

"Look who's saying!!", I chuckled with a dramatic effect, "Now call Erica and leave your study...I want to talk to her and end my day well."

"Oh god...!", He smirked and turned to the door, "Ericcaaaa!!", he yelled like a mongoose he is.

"So what's up with Stephenson's shares?"

"I talked to him. He's fine with the current negotiations, though I feel we can give him more in future."

"Yeah..he's potent.."

He looked away from the screen, "Erica!!!! Eric is on phone!!!"

I take the time to fetch myself a coffee from the coffee machine, and just when I return, I hear David mutter, "Shit! Shit! Shit!!"

I immediately frowned and focused on the screen.
"David? What's wrong?"

I see now he's no more in front of the screen. Though it looks like he's walking.

The camera flips suddenly probably by his accidental touch, and I see an empty dining hall. He runs to what seems like a couch, and then near a table.

I can only see the edges of the table, when I hear him again, "Fuck!"

"David what happened??",I became alert at once.

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